Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Books from the Spectator Library
Seventy-four (74) books were transferred to Local History & Archives [then Special Collections] from the Spectator Library in 1990. The majority are local church histories. They are arranged alphabetically and numbered for access. The call number in the square brackets following the title refers to a catalogued copy of the same book held by Local History & Archives.
1. Anderson, F. Keith & John B. McMillan
A History of James Street Baptist Church. 125th Anniversary Edition. 1844- 1969.
Hamilton: 1969
[R286 J237a CESH]
2. Bailey, T. Melville et al
The Presbytery of Hamilton: 1836-1967
[2 copies]
[R285.271352 PRE ESC]
3. Barclay, William
A Century of Beginnings. 1841-1941
Toronto: Presbyterian Publications, [1941]
[R285.2713 C333b CESH]
4. Barton, Bruce
Centenary United Church
5. Beaton, Kenneth J.
Growing with the years. United Church of Canada. 1925-1950
Toronto: United Church of Canada, [1950]
[R287.92 B38 CESH]
6. Blaine,William E.
"Ride Through the Garden of Canada" A Short History of the Hamilton, Grimsby and Beamsville Electric Railway Company. 1894-1931
7. Bower, R.R.C.
Preliminary Report to Committee of City Council Re Proposed Purchase of the Hamilton Street Railway from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario
8. Brearly, Rev. E.W.
Centennial Souvenir Booklet. Pilgrim United Church of Canada. Organized as First Congregational Church October twenty-first, 1835
9. Bromley, Ada & Jean Powell
History of Trinity United Church. 1801-1971
10. Campbell, William
The History of Knox Presbyterian Church
[R285 K779c CESH]
11. Centenary Church
The Centenary Church. The United Church of Canada. 1868-1968
[R289 C333c CESH]
12. Centenary United Church
Jubilee of the Centenary Church. 1868-1918
[R287.92097135 CEN CESH]
13. Centenary United Church
100 Years
14. Christ Church, West Flamboro
Centennial Christ Church, West Flamboro. 1865-1965
[R283-913 W52c CESH]
15. Christ's Church Cathedral
The Order for the Consecration and Enthronement of The Very Reverend Walter Edward Bagnall, B.A., D.D. As Seventh Bishop of the Diocese of Niagara in Christ's Church, Hamilton on The Feast of Saint Matthew Being September 21, 1949.
16. Church of St. Peter
"Ye Shall Hallow the Fiftieth Year" 1890-1940. Church of St. Peter. A brief History of the Parish from 1890 to 1940. to commemorate the Jubilee of the Church October 1st 1940.
[R283.713 P442 CESH]
17. Crossan, James
A Curling Odyssey and The Hamilton Thistle Club
18. Delta United Church
Delta United Church. 25th Anniversary. 1929-1954
19. Donovan, Rev. P.J.
The Golden Jubilee. A Short Story of St. Patrick's Parish, Hamilton Ontario. Published on the Occasion of Its Fiftieth Anniversary. July 3rd, 1927
[R282.713 D719 CESH]
20. Duff, Louis Blake
Welland Ship Canal Inauguration
21. Editorial Committee, Hamilton Horticultural Society
Centennial Year Book and Garden Guide. 1850-1950
22. Erskine Presbyterian Church
Erskine Presbyterian Church. Semi-Jubilee, 1880-1905
23. Farmer, Mary Harrington
The Church of the Ascension. A Short History 1850-1950
Hamilton: May, 1950
[R283.713 As22f CESH]
24. Farmer, T.W.D.
Our Heritage - St. John's. A Sesquicentennial Publication By St. Johns' Anglican Church Ancaster, Ontario. 1816-1966
25. Firth, J.M. et al
Fifty Years with St. Giles - Hamilton. 1908 - 1958
26. Frost, Russell W.
Concerning McMaster. The University's Past and Present in Facts and Figures
Dec. 1947
27. Hamilton Association for the Advancement of Literature, Science and Art
Hamilton Association for the Advancement of Literature, Science and Art. 1857-1932. 75th Anniversary Meeting. Held in the Bruce Room, Hamilton Art Gallery. April 22, 1932
28. Hamilton Association for the Cultivation of Literature Science and Art
No. XXX. Sessions 1918-19 to 1921-22
29. Hamilton Fire Department
A Century of service. Hamilton Fire Department. 1867-1967
30. Hamilton Fire Department
History of the Fire Department of Hamilton
31. Hamilton Institute of Technology
Technology and Business Courses. Academic Year 1966-1967
32. Hamilton Presbytery Mission Council
The Inner City Church in Hamilton. 1962-1964.
33. Hamilton Scientific Association
Proceedings of the Jubilee Celebration of the Hamilton Scientific Association Held at the Hamilton Conservatory of Music November 8th, 1907. 1857-1907
34. Hillfield College
Education on the Move! A New Campus for Hillfield College and Strathallan School to Strengthen Independent Education in the Hamilton Area.
35. The Hudson Bay Route and Port of Churchill
Regina: 1936
36. Jamieson, John
From Wentworth Mission to St. Andrews Church. 1856-1935
[R285 An27j CESH]
37. Kerr, Hon. George A.
Green Paper. Sunday as a Common Day of Rest and Uniform Store Hours
December 1973
38. Ketchen, Beverly
A Brief and Fragmentary History of MacNab Street Presbyterian Church, Hamilton. 1854-1954
[R285 M231br CESH]
39. Kirkwall Church [Beverly Township]
Kirkwall Church and Community. 1833-1933
Galt: [1933]
40. Knox Presbyterian Church
Knox Church. Perspective and Retrospective. Men's Adult Bible Class
41. Luxton, Very Rev. G.N. et al
Our Heritage
n.p., n.d.
42. McGeary, Daniel et al
A Continuing Adventure. 140th Anniversary. 1824-1964. First United Church, Hamilton, Ontario.
43. McKee, Mrs. S.G.E.
Jubilee History of the Ontario Women's Christian Temperance Union. 1877- 1927
44. McMaster University
A Frank Statement. Its Origin. Development. Present Status. and Future Needs
February, 1944
45. Mackay, Frances
The First History of Freedom of Worship in the Town and Township of Niagara. 1640- 1962
46. A Member of the Congregation
The History of St. George's Church. Hamilton, Ontario. 1890-1940
47. Mutch, Rev. John
The Windows of Melrose United Church.
[R289 M493 CESH]
48. New, Chester and George P. Gilmour
Centenary History of James Street Baptist Church.
Hamilton: Privately printed for James Street Baptist Church, 1944
[R286 N42 CESH]
49. Nichols, T.E. et al
The History of the Diocese of Niagara to 1950 A.D. Published at Hamilton, Ontario, on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Creation of the Diocese of Niagara in 1875.
May 1950
[R283.71 C476 CESH]
50. O'Neil, J.G.
A Hundred Years. The Parish of St. Thomas. A History Prepared for the congregation of the Church of St. Thomas, Hamilton, by the Anniversary Committee
Hamilton, November 1957
51. O'Neil, J.G. and John D. Gilmour
The Years of Renewal. The History of the Parish of St. Thomas. 1857-1970
Hamilton: October 1970
[R283.713 T361 CESH]
52. Philpott Memorial Church
90th Anniversary. 1892-1982
[R289.9 PHI CESH]
53. Philpott Tabernacle
Golden Jubilee. 1892-1942. Philpott Tabernacle
[R289.2 P549 CESH]
54. Plewman, H.E.
The Story of Ryerson United Church. Golden Jubilee Anniversary. 1908-1958
Hamilton: Anniversary Committee, [1958]
[R289 R981p CESH]
55. Port of Hamilton Annual Report. Hamilton Harbour Commissioners. 1938
56. Postal Organization of Hamilton
Souvenir Commemorate the Opening of Hamilton's new Dominion Public Building on September 21st, 1936
57. St. Catharines
St. Catherine Ontario and the Welland Ship Canal. The Open Door to Canadian and British Empire Markets.
58. St. Cuthbert's Presbyterian Church
Our Church - Our Challenge
59. St. James Anglican Church, Dundas
Fountain Come Forth. The Anglican Church and the Valley Town of Dundas. 1784-1963
[R283.713 D914 CESH]
60. St. John the Evangelist
The Church of St. John the Evangelist. Founded A.D. 1890. 57 Years of Parish History.
[R283.713 J613 CESH]
61. St. John's Church, Jordan
History of St. John's Church Jordan and the Parish of Louth. Published on the occasion of the 125th Anniversary of the Congregation of St. John's Church. 1841.
[R283.713 J767 CESH]
62. St. Matthews Church
A brief history of...St. Matthew's Church on the Plains Aldershot, Ontario. 90th Anniversary. 1861-1951
[R283.713 AL23 CESH]
63. Shaw, W.J.
A Century of Service. St. Andrew's - St. Paul's. 1833-1933
[2 copies]
[R285 Sh26 CESH]
64. Spalding, Lloyd (comp.)
The History and Romance of Education. 1819-1935
65. Steel Company of Canada
Let's Make Steel
66. Steel Company of Canada Ltd.
Hamilton Works. Welcomes You as a Visitor
67. Steel Company of Canada Ltd.
Stelco Flashes (June 1950) 40 Years of Service to Canada
68. Steel Company of Canada Ltd.
The 25th Milestone. A Brief History of Stelco. 1910-1935
69. Stopps, Leonard & Elizabeth
Livingstone United Church "Within these walls". Design details and description of Plaques of church symbols used in decorating the church Sanctuary. 75th Anniversary.
Hamilton: 1964
70. Taylor, Andrew W.
Banners Unfurled. The History of First United Church, Galt, Canada. 1824-1949
71. Vincent, H.S. and C.S. Young
Fiftieth Anniversary. Laidlaw United Church. "1912-1962"
72. Welland Ship Canal
The Opening of The Welland Ship Canal. A Canadian Conception. A Canadian Achievement. August Sixth - Nineteen Thirty Two
73. Wesley United Church
Centennial of Wesley United Church. Hamilton, Ontario. 1839-1939
[R287 W516 CESH]
74. Williams, Rev. Waldemar
Anniversary Services. 25 Years. 1930-1055. Westdale United Church of Canada
[R289 W522 CESH]