Westdale - Accessible Door Out of Order
The accessible door at the Westdale Branch is currently not working. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library. www.hamilton.ca
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
OGS Collection Family Histories
VAN ALSTYNE Van Alstyne, Van Alstine Family History Vol. 3 (00622)
VAN DEN BOR Grandpa’s Book. Cornelis Van den Bor (00711)
VAN NORMAN Catherine Bell Van Norman - Her Diary. 1850 (00623)
VAN NORMAN The Van Norman Family History (00624)
VANDER WERF Genealogical Account of the Vander Werf Family (00625)
VANDERZANDE Wilhelmus (Bill) D.J. Vanderzande. Pedigree Charts (00626)
VANSICKLE Vansickle Family Chart (00627)
VANSICKLE Vansickle Family History (00628)
VERDUIJN Soujourners. R929.2 VERDU CESH (00629)
VIVIAN The Vivian Family (00630)
WADE Descendants of James & Martha Wade (00631)
WARREN Warren Genealogy (00632)
WEATHERALL Weatherall Family History (00633)
WEAVER Weaver Families of the Mohawk and St. Lawrence River Valleys. (02084)
WEBB John Edward Webb & Mary Elizabeth Fahie Family (00634)
WEBER Family History of Christian Weber & Elizabeth Schmaus (00636)
WEBER History of Descendants of Daniel M. Weber 1836-1888 (00637)
WEBER Weber and Related Families (00638)
WEBER Descendants of Pioneer Henry Hershey Weber (Weaver) (1793-1862) and Salome (Baer) Bauman (1791-1868). (00635)
WEBSTER Ancestry and Descendants of John Webster. R929.2 WEB CESH (02460)
WEEKS Ira Weeks Family Pioneering Adventures in Western Canada (00639)
WESTBROOK & GAGE Westbrook & Gage Family History - John & Elizabeth (00640)
WESTBROOK The Westbrook Family of New York (00641)
WESTBROOK John Westbrook - Elizabeth Gage Family History (00642)
WIDEMAN The Wideman Family - 1803-1955 (00643)
WILL Philip Will Family History (00645)
WILLIAM/WILLIAMS William/Williams Family History (00646)
WILLITS Willits Families - Upper Canada (Daniel Eugene Willits) (00647)
WILLOUGHBY John Willoughby of Goshen, Conn. (00648)
WILSON Some Wilsons & Their Kin Index (00649)
WILSON Some Wilsons & Their Kin (00650)
WORTHINGTON Worthington Descendants (Newsletters) (00651)
WRIGHT Zestful Lives. The Unusual Wrights of Strathroy 1865-1995 (01971)
WRIGHT Alexander Wright and Descendants. R929.209713 CRO CESH (00652)
YEAGER The Yeager Family Album. R929.2 YEAGE MUT CESH (02360)
YOUNG Adam Young Family - Mohawk Valley N.Y. & Grand River - The First Four Generations (00653)
YOUNG Young Family Genealogy (00654)
ZAVITZ Benjamin Zavitz & Esther Augustine (00655)
International Who's Who. 1937+ (incomplete) RBO INT CE3 (01478)
Catalogued Family Histories in Special Collections (Special Collections. Information Desk) (01842)