Colour Printing Unavailable - Ancaster Branch
Colour printing is not available at the Ancaster Branch today, Wednesday March 26th. Estimated time of disruption is unknown at this time. Thank you for your patience.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Queen Victoria Statue
Adam Brown's speech:
"Your Excellencies, Mr. Mayor and citizens of Hamilton:"
"For three score years less two have I lived among you, and at your hands received honours -- the highest in the gift of the people -- but none do I regard so great as the compliment of being invited to take part in the proceedings of the unveiling by His Excellency, the Governor-General, of the statue erected by the women of Hamilton in loving remembrance of our late beloved Queen Victoria, the noblest woman and purest monarch that ever adorned a throne. Loved by all, not alone for her regal graces, but for the virtues and charms of her benignant womanhood: ‘Queen as true to womanhood as queenhood.' All honour to the noble patriotic women of Hamilton who have brought this work to completion. I am sure I voice the opinions of all who were associated with Mrs. J. S. Hendrie, the president, when I say that she merits especial praise for her untiring zeal."
"Victoria was a queen as she owed allegiance to Him by whom Kings reign and princes decree justice. She was a queen as she ruled in truth and righteousness over her countless millions of loyal subjects; a queen in her sympathy for the suffering and sorrowing; a queen as her heart went our to the brave soldiers and sailors as they fought the battles of the empire for the right; a queen in uplifting and bettering her people; a queen as she sat by the bedside of the sick and humble homes around her beloved Balmoral, comforting them from the secret of Britain's greatness -- the bible, more than a queen as she reigned in love over her home; her beautiful life as mother, wife and queen will for all time illumine the page of Britain's history. She was ‘crowned with a diadem never worn by a worthier.' Orations have been made, books written and poets inspired to record her many virtues, and long and glorious reign, but the half have not been told. She built her monument in the hearts of her people by the true nobility of her life, and it was moulded into full completion when an Empire mourned for her death as one who mourneth for his mother."
"Let our children from the very cradle be taught the story of the good and loving Queen Victoria and pass it on from generation to generation. In mute eloquence this magnificent statue will proclaim that she was a benediction, not alone to the British people in the dear old land, and beyond the seas, but to the whole world; and besides, will be a constant reminder to all to follow the example of her beautiful life. The best homage that can be paid to her memory is to live as she did -- for the good of others. May Hamilton be ever worthy of the memory of the beloved, revered Victoria."
"Canadians were ever devoted to her person and throne, and among them none more than the sons and daughters of Hamilton. That same loyalty we rendered to her, we render today to the son of his mother, King Edward, the Peacemaker. May his precious life be long spared to reign over a loyal, happy and contented people -- a people fearing God and honouring their King."
"Victoria Queen and Mother
Model Wife and Mother
May Children of Our
Children Say she Wrought
Her People Lasting Good
The Women of Hamilton in
Affectionate Admiration
Have Raised This Monument"
Queen Victoria (1819 - 1901)
Local newspapers reported the sculptor’s name as Philippe Hebert. The sculptor was christened Louis-Philippe Hébert, but usually went by the name Philippe Hébert. The Hamilton sculpture of Queen Victoria is signed “Philippe Hébert.” [Colin S. MacDonald, A Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 2, 1989, p. 411.]
Clipping File. Hamilton - Memorials - Queen Victoria Statue. Local History & Archives, HPL.
Gardiner Scrapbook. vol. 239. p. 52 - 54. Local History & Archives, HPL (971.351 G168)