Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Spectator File By Date. 1939-1947, 1948-1949, 1950-1953, 1954-1959
Spectator negatives S File By Date 1939-1947
1939 Royal visit
March 1943 Red Cross
May 23, 1944 Moose Hall File [some glass negatives]
V.E. Day
July 1946 Spectator Strike
July 1-6, 1946 Hamilton Centennial. Parades & costumes
July 1946 Aerial pix of Ha. During Steel Strike
July 27, 1946 Ker, David. Wedding. At horse show with Mrs. Ker
July 27, 1946 Ker, F.E. Horse show. Wedding of daughter
July 1946 Provincial Police re Strike. Stelco. At "Star" re Stelco Strike 1946
Oct. 1946 Rockton [sic] Rockton Fair
Oct. 1946 Smithville. Fair and reunion.
Bank robbery
Oct. 1946 Dick Murder Trial #1
Oct. 1946 Dick Murder Trial #2
Jan. - Feb. 1947 Dick Murder Trial #3
June 1947 Dundas. Buildings, scenes, etc.
Aug. 47 / May 48 Keen Family. Wedding/daughter with diploma
Spectator negatives S File By Date 1948-1949
Jan. 1948 Grimsby. Fire. Lincoln Memorial Hospital
March 13, 1948 HMCS Star. Open House.
[also some Nov. 21, 1947]
Aug. 1948 Liberal Convention
Sept. 1948 Progressive Conservative Convention. Ottawa
Oct. 1948 El Rancho
Nov. 1948 Investiture. Toronto
Winter 1948 Ice Boating on Bay
Feb. 1949 Ont. Good Roads Convention. Toronto
Feb. 10, 1949 Ont. Legislature Opening
March 25, 1949 Hamilton Street Railway Report
July 4, 1949 DeCew Falls. Hydro
Aug. 8, 1949 Ambersley, "Irish Davey" Murder at his "house"
Sept. 1949 Noronic. Fire at Toronto
Nov. 15, 1949 Beverly Creek changed course. (Chas. Robertson farm, 7th concession)
Dec. 7, 1949 Municipal candidates. Election of Dec. 7/49
Dec. 8, 1949-Feb. 6,1950 Jackson File #1
Spectator negatives S File By Date 1950-1953
1950 Rail strike
Jan. 26, 1950 Hamilton General Hospital. Laboratories under Dr. Deadman
Feb. 2,3,4, 1950 Canadian Figure Skating Championship St. Catharines
Feb. 6, 1950-May 2, 1950 Jackson File #2
1950 Strike. Garbage
Aug. 10, 1950 Local 5 [garbage strike]
Nov. 2, 1950 McMaster University
Nov. 25, 1950 Van Wagner's Beach. Storm
before 1951 Army. RHLI
before 1951 Bartonville
1951 [Aug. 11] Moore wedding
1951 Spectator booth at 1951 Industrial Fair
March 8, 1951 St. Joseph's Mother House. Old File [Aug. 3, 1951]
Nov. 8, 1951 Hamilton Pumping Station. Filtration Plant. Old File
1952 Aerial shots of Hamilton & District
Sept. 1952 Ancaster, Ont. Incorporation
Nov. 1952 Hamilton Cotton Company Strike
1952-3 Miss Burkholder's Features
1953 #1 [Miscellaneous]
1953 #2 [Miscellaneous]
1953 Grafton
May 18, 1953 Liberal Convention
Aug. 1953 Election Campaigns
July 1953 Transport Strike
Nov. 24, 1953 Thistle Club Centennial
Spectator negatives S File By Date 1954-1959
1954 Cancer Clinic Opening
July 24, 1954 Wentworth County Centennial
Aug. 8, 1954 Aerial pix. Hurricane Hazel
1955 Lake Swim
March 24-26, 1955 Niagara on the Lake. Ice jam & Port Dover ice
Aug. 13, 1955 Hurricane Connie
Sept. 28, 1955 G.T. French - Book binding
Jan. 18, 1956 Candid shots. City Hall Council meeting (dispute strike question Loc. 700)
Feb. 1, 1956 Legislature Opening
Oct. 23, 1956 One way streets
1957 Summer Safety pix
July - Aug. 1958 Princess Margeret [sic] visit
Oct. 13, 14, 15, 1959 Plowing match