Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Spectator File People. By last name
Spectator negatives S File People By last name
Athlone. Earl of Athlone. Former Gov. Gen of Canada
Bagnall. Anglican Bishop. Induction 1949
Banker-Bates, Mr. (Life Savers)
Bell, Mr. & Mrs. re burned ship Yarmouth Castle
Campbell, Mrs. Marjorie Freeman (authoress)
Clarke, Hon. Tom
Coulson, Helen Anderson. Communist Party member
Crerar, General
DeGangi, Rev. Mario. St. Enoch's Church. 1957
Farmer, Mr. & Mrs. T.W. Golden Wedding. Aug. 28
Gilmour, G.P. President McMaster University with family. 1946
Gougeon, Miss. (Women's Editor of Weekend Magazine)
Henderson, Nora Francis
Holbrook, Mrs.
Lawrence, Sam. Former Mayor of Hamilton
Lynch, Charles. Spectator, Ottawa
McCulloch, Harvey. Crown Attorney
McCullough, William (deceased) [McCulloch]
Montgomery, Viscount
Nichols, T. Old neg re kids in front of school
Nichols, T.E. (Hamilton Spectator publisher) also family
Nichols wedding. son of T.E. Nichols Ham Spec
Norman, Dr. E.H. Ambassador to Egypt. 1957
O'Hearn, Don. Spec correspondent. Mar. 1959
O'Neil, Mr.
Prime Minister. June 1953
Prince Akihito. April 1953
Prince Phillip
Princess Margaret Tour re Bob Hanley. 1955
Pritchard, Controller Ada
Queen Elizabeth. Coronation edition
Robinson, John E. (Magistrate) deceased
Scott, Barbara Ann
Sherring, Wm. Olympics. deceased [Dec. 8, 1964]
Skinner, Jimmy
Southam, Wm. J.
Southam, Mrs. W.J. (taken May 12 - 59) [75th birthday]
Taylor, J.J. (Henry Birks & Sons, Gen. Mgr)
Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew (liberal leader, Ont.) 1964
Treleaven, Judge
Tuchtie, Senior Magistrate Walter