Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Spectator File By Title. A-Ch, Ci-E, F-K, L-Misc, Miss-P, Q-So, St-Z
Spectator negatives S File By Title A-CH
Abduction re M. Shuett. Small girl - Kilbride
Air Canada (CT)
Aldermen 1965
Art Pix - taken for Ian Vorres
Ancaster. Special File for Mr. Farmer - Old Buildings - Churches - Homes - In Hamilton Dundas and Ancaster. Girl Guides
Armed Forces (CT)
Art Gallery (CT)
Bishops & Ministers. Priests
Boy Scouts (CT)
Bridges & Highways. Buildings. Men Work on Buildings & Bridges (CT)
Buildings of Hamilton #1
Buildings of Hamilton #2
Burlington (CT)
Caledonia (CT)
Calendar for 71
Centennial Ham. Reprints. Aug. 6-11, 1913
Centennial Year (CT)
Chedoke Skiing. (CT)
Churches (CT)
Churches & Synagogues #1
Churches & Synagogues #2
Spectator negatives S File By Title Ci - E
City Hall also see Aerial File #2
City Hall & Board of Education [CT]
City of Hamilton Views [CT]
Civic Stadium [CT]
Clocks. re time at all hours
CNE Exhibition [CT]
Colored negs 1964. Prime Minister Pearson. John Diefenbaker
Confederation Park [CT]
Conservation Area [CT]
Costumes (Ethnic) & Others [CT]
Court House
Crests. Coat of Arms & Statues
Curling [CT]
District. Oakville-Trafalgar Elections
Dundas #1 [CT]
Dundas #2
Dundurn [CT]
Dundurn Castle #1
Dundurn Castle #2
Dundurn Castle #3 [CT]
Dundurn Castle #4 [CT]
Dundurn Castle #5
Easter [CT]
Economic Industrial development Haldimand & Norfolk County re Stelco 1968. May
Spectator negatives S File By Title F - K
Fall Scenes [CT]
Farm Scenes [CT]
Fashions & Models [CT]
Fire Department [CT]
Fire Halls
Firemen [CT]
Football #1 [CT]
Football #2 [CT]
Gage Park [CT]
General Dwight Eisenhower
General File. Important Men
Gov. Gen. Massey's Visit to Hamilton. June 25, 1958
Grand River [CT]
Greater Hamilton Centre. Goulds Men's Wear Centre
Greensville Public School [CT]
Gymnastics [CT]
Hallowe'en [CT]
Hamilton Harbour & Waterfront. Sailing & Ships. RHYC [CT]
Hamilton Jackson Square [CT] [construction]
Hamilton Police Department. negs identified
Hamilton Symphonic Orchestra [CT]
Hamilton Water Front. November 1958
Highways & Bridges also see aerial file. Some aerial shots west end entrance 1954
Hiking [CT]
Hospitals. also see Aerial File for Ont. and San
Hotels and Motels
Indians [CT]
John Diefenbaker
Kensington Market
Spectator negatives S File By Title L - Misc
Ladies & Flowers [CT]
Lakeland Beach and Pool [CT]
Lawn Bowling [CT]
Lester Pearson visits Ham. May 24-25/56
Letter Carriers. Postmen of Hamilton
Libraries #1
Libraries #2
Lion Safari
Lorreto Academy [sic]
McMaster #1 also see aerial file
McMaster Medical [CT]
McMaster University [CT]
Mmde. Pandit visits Ham. Jan. 1957
Miles for Millions [CT]
Miscellaneous negs [CT]
Miscellaneous negs all occasions [CT]
Mis. negs Old Files
Misc. Kids & Animals also Men and Girls & Boys [CT]
Misc. Kids & Animals. Men & Women. Boys & Girls [CT]
Spectator negatives S File By Title Miss - P
Miss Canada. Judging and ... Aug. 1 - ...
Miss Ti Cat [CT]
Monuments [CT]
Morgan's Store. Ladies Day. inside Store - Before Opening
Mosport [CT]
Municipal Councils 1955
Museums [CT]
Music (Orchestra) (Bands) [CT]
National & International [CT]
Navy manoeuvres Aug. 15
Niagara Falls #1
Niagara Falls #2 [CT]
Night Shots Refinery [CT]
Oak Island
Old Cars & Waggons
Old Homes in Hamilton
Old Negs. B & W
Old Riley House - Dundas
Old Steam Engines
Ontario Place [CT]
Ontario Reform Schools
Opening of New City Hall. Nov. 21
Parachutists [CT]
Parking Ramp and Old Market. also other markets
Parks & Falls
Parks & Gardens & Falls. Confed. Gage. Gore [CT]
Pix of Important Men from Old Files
Planetarium Toronto [CT]
Pollution Research at Burlg. Centre [CT]
Port Dover [CT]
Press Club
Prime Minister Pearson
Primo Soccer Players 1965
Princess Anne Reproduced
Princess Margaret. Lord Snowden and Family. Sept. 23/71 [CT]
P.C. Convention Ottawa (Hanley)
Prog. Consvr. Convention 1971 [CT]
Prominent Men #1
Prominent Men #2
Prominent Men & Women not identified
Prominent Women
Spectator negatives S File By Title Q - So
Queen Juliana
Queen Mother Visit to Woodbine [CT]
Queen Mother's Visit - June 1974 [slides]
Queen's Park Toronto. Parliament Bldg.
Queen's Visit to Canada. July 1959
Red Wings re Hockey [CT]
Rock Gardens
Rowing & Sailing [CT]
Royal Botanical Gardens [CT]
St. Patrick's Day [CT]
Saltfleet Band 1962
Science Fair 1966
Science Fair 1969
Science Fairs [CT]
Scouts 1955
Scouts & Guides [CT]
Shakespearean Festival. July 13, 1953
Ships & Welland Canal. Nonsuch - Ship [CT]
Shopping Centre. Henry Morgans
Shopping Centre. Preparations Oct. 19. Feature Oct. 24. St. John's Ambulance & Miniature Train Oct. 26. Electrical Man
Skiing & Toboganning [CT]
Shriners 1962
Soccer 1961
Soccer Aug. 1962
Soccer 1963
Soccer 1966
Sotheby's Auctioneer (from England)
Southam Report 1968
Spectator negatives S File By Title St - Z
Statues [CT]
Steel Company. Dofasco [CT]
Steel Company. Stelco [CT]
Steel Company of Canada 1959
Steel Company Strike (Aug. 12/58)
Stelco Strike Aug. 1966
Stewart Memorial Church Dec. 24/55
Stoney Creek & Saltfleet Councilmen
Stores Restaurants
Stratford [CT]
Stratford Festival 1957
Stratford Festival Cast
Strike at Docks 1962 May
Strike at Docks 1961 August
Summer Scenes [CT]
Terminal Towers Bldg.
Thanksgiving [CT]
Theatre. Plays & Productions [CT]
Theatre Audit. Model 1971 [CT]
Ti-Cat Bees, 1957 (Intermediate team)
Tiger Cubs Hockey - 1958
Tiger Cubs Hockey Players - 1959-60
Tommy Douglas - Premier of Saskatchewan
Toronto [CT]
Track meet at Armouries 1957
Track meet Armouries March 1962
Trick horses. Sept. 8. owned by Mike Sprung
Tucketts Tobacco Co.
United Appeal 1956
United Appeal 1957
United Appeal Campaign - 1958
United Appeal 1960
Veterans [CT]
Victoria Order of Nurses
Waterfront - Hamilton Dock
Water Skiing [CT]
Welland Canal. see aerial file March/60
Wentworth Drama Festival. published May 7/56
Women in Textile Plants. June 1956
Wooden Shoe
Xmas Scenery [CT]
Xmas Scenes [CT]
YMCA Camp "Wanakita"