Westdale - Accessible Door Out of Order
The accessible door at the Westdale Branch is currently not working. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library. www.hamilton.ca
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
War of 1812 - Collection Bibliography - F
(Fairplay, Francis)
The Canadas As They Now Are. Comprehending a View of Their Climate, Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Government, Laws, Taxes, Towns, Trades, & c. with a Description of the Soil and Advantages or Disadvantages of Every Township in Each Province: Derived from the Reports of the Inspectors Made to the Justices at Quarter-Sessions, and from Other Authentic Sources, Assisted by Local Knowledge. With a Map, Showing the Position of Each Township, A Point of utmost Consequence to the Settler; Compiled without reference to the particular interest of any land company or association. By a Late Resident.
London: James Duncan, 37, Paternoster Row; Cross, Holborn; and Mann, Cornhill.
xv, 116, map
R971.03 CAN CESC
Fay, Heman Allen(comp.) 1778-1865
Collection of the Official Accounts, in Detail, of all the Battles Fought by Sea and Land, between the Navy and Army of the United States, and the Navy and Army of Great Britain, During the Years 1812, 13, 14 & 15.
New York: E. Conrad, 1817
Howes 3488; Sabin 23940; TPL 1046
R971.034 COL CESC
Fessenden, Thomas Green
Some Thoughts on the Present Dispute...
Tracts and Facts as to the War of 1812(3)
Fidfaddy, Frederick Augustus (pseud.)
The Adventures of Uncle Sam, In Search After His Lost Honor. By Frederick Augustus Fidfaddy, Esq. Member of The Legion of Honor, Scratch-etary to Uncle Sam and Cousellor to Himself.
Taurum per caudum grabbo (Merino Latin)
Middletown, Conn.: Printed by Seth Richards, 1816
Howes 3535 "First book to symbolize the United States by the phrase "Uncle Sam"' Sabin 24260; TPL 1047
R971.053 F488 CESW
Fitzgibbon, Mary Agnes 1851-1915
A Veteran of 1812. The Life of James Fitzgibbon.
Toronto: William Briggs, 1894
viii, [9]-348
Gagnon II 794; Watters pg. 499
Fitzgibbon, Mary Agnes 1851-1915
A Veteran of 1812. The Life of James Fitzgibbon.
Toronto: Coles Publishing co., 1970
336, 55
Flint, James
A Discourse, Delivered in the Audience of His Excellency Caleb Strong, Esq. Governor, His Honor William Phillips, Esq. Lieutenant Governor. The Honorable Council, and the Two Branches of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. on the Anniversary Election, May 31, 1815. By James Flint, Minister of the Church in the East Parish of Bridgewater.
Boston: Printed by Russell, Cutler and Co. for Benjamin Russell...Printer to the State. 1815
Sabin 24773
R971.034 FLI CESC
Ford, Colonel Frederick Samuel Lampson 1869-
William Dunlop
Toronto; The Albert Brituel Book Show, 1934
Watters pg. 500
Franchere, Gabriel
Narrative of a Voyage to The Northwest Coast of American in the Years 1811, 1812, 1813, and 1814 or the First American Settlement on the Pacific. By Gabriel Franchere. Translated and edited by J. V. Huntington.
New York: Redfield, 110 and 112 Nassau Street, 1854
[1], 376, [8]
Sabin 35432 "The author was one of the party sent out by Mr. Asher and this work is the basis of Washington Irving's "Astoria".
TPL 985
R917.12 F846n
Fraser, Alexander (ed.) 1860-1936
Brock Centenary 1812-1912. Account of the Celebration at Queenston Heights, Ontario, On the 12th October, 1912.
Second edition.
Toronto: Printed and published for the committee by William Briggs, 1913
Watters pg. 500
Freed, Augustus Toplady 1835-1924
Address at the unveiling of a monument erected by the Barton Lodge, No. 6, G.R.C., A.F. & A.M., in the Province of Ontario to the late Wor. Bro. Capt. Wm. Johnston Kerr (The Victor for Beaver Dam, 1813) at St. Luke's Church, Burlington, Ontario, Sunday June 27th, 1909.
Hamilton (?), 1909
R971.034 F875 CESH
Fromentin, Eligius - 1822
Mr. Fromentin's motion
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1814
R328.10973 FRO CESC
Further papers relating to the War with America. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be Printed, 13 February 1815.
R971.034 FUR CESC