Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
War of 1812 - Collection Bibliography - L
Lamb, William Kaye 1904-
The Hero of Upper Canada(Sir Isaac Brock)
Toronto: Rous & Mann Press Ltd., 1962
Lawson, Don
The War of 1812. America's Second War for Independence.
London: Abelard-Schuman Ltd., 1966
R971.034 LAW CESC
"Lest We Forget" Oliver Hazard Perry. The War of 1812. The Battle of Lake Erie. The Centennial Celebration.
Cleveland: n.p., 1912
R971.034 LES CESC
Letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe...
Tracts and Facts as to the War of 1812 (5)
A Letter to William Roscoe...
Tracts and Facts as to the War of 1812(2)
Letter of Marque
Blank but signed by James Monroe, Secretary of State. (2 pieces)
An Act Concerning Letters
Lewis, Charles Lee
The Romantic Decatur
By Charles Lee Lewis. United States Naval Academy
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
London: Humphrey Milford. Oxford University Press., 1937
[14], 296
Lighthall, William Douw 1857-1946
An Account of the Battle of Chateauguay being a Lecture Delivered at Ormstown, March 8th, 1889 by W.D. Lighthall, M.A. With some Local and Personal Notes by W. Patterson, M.A.
Montreal: W. Drysdale & Co., 1889
[Chateauguay Literary and Historical Society]
Gagnon I 2126; Watters pg. 624
R971.053 L627 CESC
Lindley, Harlow (ed.)
Captain Cushing in the War of 1812
Published by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society.
Columbus, Ohio, 1944
(Lloyd, James)
Hon. Mr. Lloyd's Letter, On Impressments
R973.35 LLO CESC
Lossing, Benson J
The Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812; or, Illustrations by Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biography Scenery, Relics, and traditions of the Last War for American Independence. By Benson J. Lossing. with several hundred engravings on wood, by Lossing and Barritt, Chiefly from original sketches by the author.
New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square, 1869
R971.034 LOS CESC
(Lowell, J)
Mr. Madison's War. A Dispassionate Inquiry into the Reasons alleged by Mr. Madison for declaring an Offensive and Ruinous War against Great-Britain. Together with some suggestions as to a Peaceable and Constitutional Mode of averting that Dreadful Calamity.
By a New-England Farmer
Boston: Printed by Russell and Cutler, 1812
61, [2]
Sabin 42452
[Copy lacks t.p.]
Lowell, John
Analysis of the Late Correspondence between Our Administration and Great Britain and France. With an Attempt to Shew What are the Real causes of the Failure of the Negociation. "Misera, dum cupit pacem, belli metu in bellum incidit" Florus. "Wretched administration! which, desiring peace, from a dastardly dread of war, plunged itself into the very war which it wished to avoid." "Cavendum slatem est, nequid fiat, quod prodat majorem favorem erga partem unam quam alteram, ne jesta detur parti unit de neutralitate non exacta servata, querela." "We should take care, that nothing by done which should shew more favour to one party than the other, lest we should give just cause of complaint that our neutrality is not observed."
New York: Printed for E. Sargeant, No. 39 Wall-street, 1809
Sabin 42443
R971.034 LOW CESC
Lowell, John
Perpetual War, The Policy of Mr. Madison. Being a candid Examination of his late message to congress, so far as respects the following topics...viz. The Pretended Negotiations for Peace... The Important and Interesting Subject of a Conscript Militia... and The Establishment of an immense standing army of Guards and Spies, Under the Name of a Local Volunteer Force. "Tum"Jacobus Madison secundum Praeses"...gravior remediis quam delicta erant, suarumque legum auctor idem, ac subversor quae armis tu ebatur, armis amisity." Taciti Annalium Lib. III Liberally Translated "Then James Madison, a second time President, adopted a remedy for the wrongs of our seamen, infinitely more injurious to them than the evils which they suffered...he ordered out the militia, in contempt of that very Constitution of which he was one of the principal framers. In short, whatever he attempted to vindicate by arms, by arms he lost." By a New-England Farmer
Author of a late pamphlet, entitled. "Mr. Madison's War."
Boston: Printed by Chester Stebbins, 1812.
TPL 6900; Sabin 42456
R973.521 LOW CESC
(Lowell, John)
Thoughts Upon the Conduct of Our Adminstration in relation Both to Great Britain and France, More Especially in Reference to the Late Negotiation, Concerning the Attack on the Chesapeake. By a Friend to Peace.
Boston: Printed at the Repertory Offices, 1808
R971.034 LOW CESC
Lucas, Charles Prestwood, Sir 1853-1931
The Canadian War of 1812
Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1906
viii, 269
Thibeault 10153
R971.034 LUC CESC
Lundy's Lane
Drummond's Dispatch, Written from Lundy's Lane on the Next Day to the Governor General, as Commander of the Forces at Montreal.
R971.053 L972l CESC
R971.034 DRU CESC
Lundy's Lane Historical Society
A Brief Account of a Third Military Re-Interment at Lundy's Lane, Oct. 13th, 1899, with Notes, etc.
Niagara Falls, Ont.: Lundy's Lane Historical Society, 1899
R971.053 L972 m3 CESC
Lundy's Lane Historical Society
Military Re-Interment of Eleven Soldiers (of the 89th and 103rd Regiments), Killed in Battle at Lundy's Lane, July 25th, 1814. The Remains were discovered in a distant trench, Sept. 3rd, 1891 and were re-interred in Lundy's Lane cemetery at 2 P.M., Oct. 17th, 1891
Niagara Falls, Ont.: Lundy's Lane Historical Society, 1891
R971.053 L972m2 CESC
Lundy's Lane Historical Society
Military Re-Interment of Soldiers of 1814, found April 22nd, 1893 near Lundy's Lane July 25th, 1893
Niagara Falls, Ont.: Lundy's Lane Historical Society, 1893
R971.053 L972m CESC