Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
War of 1812 - Collection Bibliography - M
Mahan, Captain Arthur Thayer 1840-1914
Sea Power in its Relationship to the War of 1812
In Two Volumes
Boston: m.p., 1905
xx, 423; xviii, 456
Thibeault 10156
R971.053 M277 CESC
McAfee, Angus
-file consisting of militia lists, letters and memorabilia accumulated by Angus McAfee during his service with the 5th Lincoln Militia during the war. donated to the Wentworth Historical Society by his grandson Nathaniel McAfee
Archives File McAfee
McAfee, Robert B
History of the Late War in the Western Country (Great American Historical Classics Series) By Robert B. McAfee, 1816
Bowling Green, Ohio. Historical Publications Company.
C.S. Van Tassell, Manager. (1919)
[1], 591
R971.034 MCA CESC
McArthur, D.A.
An Early Canadian Impeachment. Bulletin of the Departments of History and Political and Economic Science in Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
No. 7, April 1913
Kingston: The Jackson Press, 1913
(impeachments of Chief Justice of Lower Canada Jonathan Sewell and Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench for the District of Montreal James Monk in 1814)
R971.034 MCA CESC
McCullough, Charles Robert 1865-1947
At Stoney Creek on the Hundredth Anniversary of the battle June 6, 1913
R917.053 M139 CESH (2 copies)
McIlwraith, Jean Newton 1859-1938
Kinsmen at War
Ottawa: The Graphic Publishers Ltd., 1927
vi, 289, 2
Watters pg. 336
R819.3 M188 CESH (2 copies)
Mackenzie, Alex. Slidell, U.S.N.
The Life of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry.
In Two Volumes
New York: Harper & Brothers, 82 Cliff-Street, 1840
vii, vi-xii, 13-322, viii, 9-270
R973.5254092 PERRY MAC CESC
M'Leod, Donald(Major General, Patriot Army, Upper Canada) 1779-1879
A Brief Review of the Settlement of Upper Canada by the U.E. Loyalists and Scotch Highlanders, in 1783; And of the grievances which compelled the Canadas' to have Recourse to Arms in Defence of their Rights and Liberties, In the Years 1837 and 1838: Together with a brief sketch of the Campaigns of 1812, '13, '14: With an account of the Military Executions, Burnings, and Sackings of Towns and villages, by the British, in the Upper and Lower Provinces during the Commotion of 1837 and '38
Cleveland: Printed for the author, by F.B. Penniman, 1841
Howes 6542; Sabin 433525; TPL 2292
R971.034 MCL CESC
Madison, James 1751-1836
An Exposition of the Causes and Characters of the Late War with Great Britain. Published by Authority of the American Government.
London: Reprinted and Published by W.I. Clement, 1815
ii. 101
Howes 2552; Sabin 18311; TPL 1042-43
R971.034 MAD CESC
Mair, Charles 1838-1927
Tecumseh. A Drama
Toronto: Hunter, Rose & Co.,: London: Chapman and Hall, 1886
Gagnon II 1289
R819.2 M286a CESC
Mair, Charles 1838-1927
Tecumseh, A Drama (Second edition) and Canadian Poems.
Toronto: William Briggs, 1901
R819.2 M286 CESC
Mansfield, Edward Deering 1801-1880
The Life of General Winfield Scott
New York: A.S. Barnes & Co., 1846
x, [11]-366 (plus newspaper clipping from Hamilton Spectator from June 9, 1945 on Scott)
Sabin 44367
R971.053 M318 CESW
Marquis, Thomas Guthrie 1864-1936
Naval Warfare on the Great Lakes 1812-1814 The Ryerson Canadian History Readers No. 4E
Toronto: The Ryerson Press,n.d.
R971.034 MAR CESC
Massachusetts. General Court
Public Documents of the Legislature of Massachusetts; containing the Speech of His Excellency Governor Strong; with the answer of the Senate and House of Representatives; Reports of the several committees of both Branches, on the Most Important Subjects Referred to by His Excellency; and a Remonstrance of the Legislature to Congress, on the Present Unhappy War.
Published by order of both Houses.
Boston: Printed by Russell and Cutler, 1813
R971.034 MAS CESC
Massachusetts. Senate
Report of the Committee of the Senate of Massachusetts; comprising The President's Message of the 1st of June;- The Report of the Committee of Foreign Relations;-The Act Declaring war;-The Proclamation of the President, announcing that event;-and the Address of the Senate to The People of this Commonwealth.
July 26th, 1812-Ordered to be printed.
Boston: Adams, Rhoades, & Co., Printers. 1812
May, George Smith 1924-
War. 1812
Maps by Victor H. Hogg. Illustrated by Dirk Gringhuis. Mackinac Island State Park Commission, 1962
R973.523 M451 3rd floor ref.
Meader, Stephen W.
Clear for Action! Illustrated by Frank Beaudoin
New York: Harcourt Brace and Co., 1940
[8], 323
Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting Copies of the Instructions given to the Ministers of the United States Appointed to negotiate a Peace with Great Britain....
Tracts and Facts as to the War of 1812 (7)
Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society
Historical Collections. Collections and Researches made by the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society. Vol. XVI
Lansing: Robert Smith & Co., State Printers and Binders.
[4], 747
[Copies of papers on file in the Dominion Archives at Ottawa, Canada. Pertaining to the Relations of the British Government with the United States During and Subsequent to the Period of the War of 1812. continued from Vol. 15]
R977.4 MIC CESC VOL. 16
Michigan U.S. Daughters of 1812 and The University of Michigan
"What So Proudly We Hail'd" An Exhibition in the William l. Clements Library Marking the Sesquicentennial of the War of 1812 Michigan U.S. Daughters of 1812 and The University of Michigan, 1964
4, 50
Bulletin 71
2,000 copies
The Military Monitor, and American Register.
“The Public Good Our End.”
Vol. I No. 38. Monday, May 17, 1813
[includes the capture of York]
The Mississippi Valley Historical Review. A Journal of American History.
Vol. xxviii No. 2 September, 1941
"The Origins of the War of 1812: A Survey of Changing Interpretations" Warren H. Goodman. p. 171-186
Moore, Humphrey
An Oration, Prepared to be Delivered At Nottingham west, N.H. April 11, 1815, In Celebration of The Late Peace Established Between Great-Britain and The United States of America; But was not delivered in consequence of unfavorable weather.
By Humphrey Moore, Pastor of Milford
Published by request.
Amherst...R. Boylston...Printer
Morgan, Lieutenant J.C., H.P.
The Emigrant's Note Book and Guide; with Recollections of Upper and Lower Canada, During the Late War. "The Wise and active conquer difficulties by daring to attempt them. Sloth and folly Shiver and shrink, at sight of toil and hazard, And make the impossibilities they fear." By Lieutenant J.C. Morgan, H.P. Late Second Batt. R.M.
London: Published for the Author by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1824
xxiii, 348, 1, 2 plates
Sabin 50662; TPL 1326
R917.1 M821 CESC
[Morris, Gouveneur] 1752-1816
An Answer to War in Disguise; or, Remarks upon The New Doctrine of England, concerning Neutral Trade.
New York: I. Riley & Co., February, 1806
Howes 7178; Sabin 50827; TPL 799
R327.73041 MOR CESC
Muir, Major Robert Cuthbertson 1856-1935
The Early Political and Military History of Burford.
Quebec: n.p., 1913
ix, 371
[War of 1812: Part II, Chapts. II-IV]
Watters pg. 716
R971.345 M896 CESC
Mullins, Janet E. [comp.]
Liverpool Privateering 1756 1815. Edited, arranged and printed under the direction of Fred. S. Morton. Private edition of which this copy is No. 15. Presented to Dr. J.J. Buchanan. Sept. 1st 1936. Queens County Historical Society 1936