Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Spectator File By Title. A-Ch, Ci-E, F-K, L-Misc, Miss-P, Q-So, St-Z
Spectator negatives S File By Title A-CH
Abduction re M. Shuett. Small girl - Kilbride
Air Canada (CT)
Aldermen 1965
Art Pix - taken for Ian Vorres
Ancaster. Special File for Mr. Farmer - Old Buildings - Churches - Homes - In Hamilton Dundas and Ancaster. Girl Guides
Armed Forces (CT)
Art Gallery (CT)
Bishops & Ministers. Priests
Boy Scouts (CT)
Bridges & Highways. Buildings. Men Work on Buildings & Bridges (CT)
Buildings of Hamilton #1
Buildings of Hamilton #2
Burlington (CT)
Caledonia (CT)
Calendar for 71
Centennial Ham. Reprints. Aug. 6-11, 1913
Centennial Year (CT)
Chedoke Skiing. (CT)
Churches (CT)
Churches & Synagogues #1
Churches & Synagogues #2
Spectator negatives S File By Title Ci - E
City Hall also see Aerial File #2
City Hall & Board of Education [CT]
City of Hamilton Views [CT]
Civic Stadium [CT]
Clocks. re time at all hours
CNE Exhibition [CT]
Colored negs 1964. Prime Minister Pearson. John Diefenbaker
Confederation Park [CT]
Conservation Area [CT]
Costumes (Ethnic) & Others [CT]
Court House
Crests. Coat of Arms & Statues
Curling [CT]
District. Oakville-Trafalgar Elections
Dundas #1 [CT]
Dundas #2
Dundurn [CT]
Dundurn Castle #1
Dundurn Castle #2
Dundurn Castle #3 [CT]
Dundurn Castle #4 [CT]
Dundurn Castle #5
Easter [CT]
Economic Industrial development Haldimand & Norfolk County re Stelco 1968. May
Spectator negatives S File By Title F - K
Fall Scenes [CT]
Farm Scenes [CT]
Fashions & Models [CT]
Fire Department [CT]
Fire Halls
Firemen [CT]
Football #1 [CT]
Football #2 [CT]
Gage Park [CT]
General Dwight Eisenhower
General File. Important Men
Gov. Gen. Massey's Visit to Hamilton. June 25, 1958
Grand River [CT]
Greater Hamilton Centre. Goulds Men's Wear Centre
Greensville Public School [CT]
Gymnastics [CT]
Hallowe'en [CT]
Hamilton Harbour & Waterfront. Sailing & Ships. RHYC [CT]
Hamilton Jackson Square [CT] [construction]
Hamilton Police Department. negs identified
Hamilton Symphonic Orchestra [CT]
Hamilton Water Front. November 1958
Highways & Bridges also see aerial file. Some aerial shots west end entrance 1954
Hiking [CT]
Hospitals. also see Aerial File for Ont. and San
Hotels and Motels
Indians [CT]
John Diefenbaker
Kensington Market
Spectator negatives S File By Title L - Misc
Ladies & Flowers [CT]
Lakeland Beach and Pool [CT]
Lawn Bowling [CT]
Lester Pearson visits Ham. May 24-25/56
Letter Carriers. Postmen of Hamilton
Libraries #1
Libraries #2
Lion Safari
Lorreto Academy [sic]
McMaster #1 also see aerial file
McMaster Medical [CT]
McMaster University [CT]
Mmde. Pandit visits Ham. Jan. 1957
Miles for Millions [CT]
Miscellaneous negs [CT]
Miscellaneous negs all occasions [CT]
Mis. negs Old Files
Misc. Kids & Animals also Men and Girls & Boys [CT]
Misc. Kids & Animals. Men & Women. Boys & Girls [CT]
Spectator negatives S File By Title Miss - P
Miss Canada. Judging and ... Aug. 1 - ...
Miss Ti Cat [CT]
Monuments [CT]
Morgan's Store. Ladies Day. inside Store - Before Opening
Mosport [CT]
Municipal Councils 1955
Museums [CT]
Music (Orchestra) (Bands) [CT]
National & International [CT]
Navy manoeuvres Aug. 15
Niagara Falls #1
Niagara Falls #2 [CT]
Night Shots Refinery [CT]
Oak Island
Old Cars & Waggons
Old Homes in Hamilton
Old Negs. B & W
Old Riley House - Dundas
Old Steam Engines
Ontario Place [CT]
Ontario Reform Schools
Opening of New City Hall. Nov. 21
Parachutists [CT]
Parking Ramp and Old Market. also other markets
Parks & Falls
Parks & Gardens & Falls. Confed. Gage. Gore [CT]
Pix of Important Men from Old Files
Planetarium Toronto [CT]
Pollution Research at Burlg. Centre [CT]
Port Dover [CT]
Press Club
Prime Minister Pearson
Primo Soccer Players 1965
Princess Anne Reproduced
Princess Margaret. Lord Snowden and Family. Sept. 23/71 [CT]
P.C. Convention Ottawa (Hanley)
Prog. Consvr. Convention 1971 [CT]
Prominent Men #1
Prominent Men #2
Prominent Men & Women not identified
Prominent Women
Spectator negatives S File By Title Q - So
Queen Juliana
Queen Mother Visit to Woodbine [CT]
Queen Mother's Visit - June 1974 [slides]
Queen's Park Toronto. Parliament Bldg.
Queen's Visit to Canada. July 1959
Red Wings re Hockey [CT]
Rock Gardens
Rowing & Sailing [CT]
Royal Botanical Gardens [CT]
St. Patrick's Day [CT]
Saltfleet Band 1962
Science Fair 1966
Science Fair 1969
Science Fairs [CT]
Scouts 1955
Scouts & Guides [CT]
Shakespearean Festival. July 13, 1953
Ships & Welland Canal. Nonsuch - Ship [CT]
Shopping Centre. Henry Morgans
Shopping Centre. Preparations Oct. 19. Feature Oct. 24. St. John's Ambulance & Miniature Train Oct. 26. Electrical Man
Skiing & Toboganning [CT]
Shriners 1962
Soccer 1961
Soccer Aug. 1962
Soccer 1963
Soccer 1966
Sotheby's Auctioneer (from England)
Southam Report 1968
Spectator negatives S File By Title St - Z
Statues [CT]
Steel Company. Dofasco [CT]
Steel Company. Stelco [CT]
Steel Company of Canada 1959
Steel Company Strike (Aug. 12/58)
Stelco Strike Aug. 1966
Stewart Memorial Church Dec. 24/55
Stoney Creek & Saltfleet Councilmen
Stores Restaurants
Stratford [CT]
Stratford Festival 1957
Stratford Festival Cast
Strike at Docks 1962 May
Strike at Docks 1961 August
Summer Scenes [CT]
Terminal Towers Bldg.
Thanksgiving [CT]
Theatre. Plays & Productions [CT]
Theatre Audit. Model 1971 [CT]
Ti-Cat Bees, 1957 (Intermediate team)
Tiger Cubs Hockey - 1958
Tiger Cubs Hockey Players - 1959-60
Tommy Douglas - Premier of Saskatchewan
Toronto [CT]
Track meet at Armouries 1957
Track meet Armouries March 1962
Trick horses. Sept. 8. owned by Mike Sprung
Tucketts Tobacco Co.
United Appeal 1956
United Appeal 1957
United Appeal Campaign - 1958
United Appeal 1960
Veterans [CT]
Victoria Order of Nurses
Waterfront - Hamilton Dock
Water Skiing [CT]
Welland Canal. see aerial file March/60
Wentworth Drama Festival. published May 7/56
Women in Textile Plants. June 1956
Wooden Shoe
Xmas Scenery [CT]
Xmas Scenes [CT]
YMCA Camp "Wanakita"