Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
War of 1812 - Collection Bibliography - A
For King and Country: A story of 1812. "The Canadian Monthly" Prize Tale. Collections of Canadian Authors.
Toronto: Adam Stevenson & Co., 1874
iv, 264
R819.3 M182 CESC
Abbot, Willis J.
Blue Jackets of 1812. A history of the Naval Battles of the Second War with Great Britain. To which is prefixed an account of The French War of 1798 By Willis J. Abbot. Author of Blue Jackets of '61 with illustrations by W.C. Jackson and H.W. McVickar.
New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. Publishers.
viii, 409
R973.525 ABB CESC
American Naval Battles; being a Complete History of the battles fought by the navy of the United States, from its establishment in 1794 to the present time; including the wars with France and Tripoli; the late war with Great Britain, and with Algiers; with an account of the attack on Baltimore, and of the battle of New Orleans.
Embellished with twenty elegant engravings, representing battles, &c.
Boston: Printed and Published by Charles Gaylord. 1840
278, I
R973.52 AME CESC
An Abstract of the Public Documents, Exhibiting the Measures Recommended by the Administration, and the Proceedings in Relation to Them in Congress, Tending to Subject the People of the United States to a Military Conscription To Fill the Ranks of the Regular Army; and a Naval Impressment, To Supply Seamen for the Public Armed Vessels of the United States.
Georgetown: Printed by Robert Alleson. 1815
8 [uncut]
R973.52 ABS CESC
An Act Concerning Letters of Marque, Prizes and Prize Goods.
June 26, 1812
An Address to members of the House of Representatives...on the Subject of the War with Great Britain.
see Tracts and Facts as to the War of 1812 (1)
[Anderson, Elbert]
Claims On the United States, By the Late Contractor for the State of New York, &c. For Services During the Late War.
New York: 1824
[3]-179, [1 leaf], 24, [2 pl.]
TPL 969 (without last 2 leaves)
R971.034 AND CESC
[Andrews, Charles]
The Prisoner's Memoirs, or Dartmoor Prison: Containing a complete and impartial history of The Entire Captivity of the Americans in England, From the commencement of the last war between the United States and Great Britain, until all prisoners were released by the Treaty of Ghent. Also, a particular detail of all occurrences relative to the Horrid massacre at Dartmoor, On the fatal evening of the 6th of April, 1815. The while carefully compiled by a Prisoner in England, Who was a captive during the whole war.
- Quoeque ipse miserrima vidi,
Et quorum pars magna fui; quis talia fando,
Temperet et lacrymis?
Virg. I., ii, v. 5
"These sufferings I myself have seen, and to the greater part of which a was a principal party. Who can related such woes without a tear?
New York: Printed for the Author, 1852
An Answer to War in Disguise; or, Remarks upon The New Doctrine of England, concerning Neutral Trade.
"Illud Natura non patiatur, ut aliorum spoliis nostras facultates, copias, opes, augeamus: et unum debeat esse omnibus propositum, ut eadem sit utilitas uniuscuiusque et universarum, quam si ad se quisque rapiat, dissolvitur omnis humana consortio." Cicero de Oratore. 3
New York: Printed by Hopkins and Seymour for I. Riley & Co., February, 1806
Armstrong, John
Notices of the War of 1812. By John Armstrong. In Two Volumes.
Volume I
New-York: George Dearborn, Publisher. 1836
263, errata
R971.034 ARM CESC
Atherton, William
Narrative of the Suffering & Defeat of the North-Western Army, under General Winchester: massacre of the Prisoners; Sixteen Months Imprisonment of the Writer and Others with the Indians and British.
By William Atherton
Frankfort, KY: Printed for the Author by A.G. Hodges
R971.034 ATH CESC
Auchinleck, Gilbert
The War of 1812. A History of the War between Great Britain and the United States of America During the Years 1812, 1813 and 1814.
Toronto: W.C. Chewett & Co., 1862\vii, [3]-408, 3
Howes 380: Morgan pg. 14 [one of editors of Anglo American Magazine. [Toronto]]: Thibeault 10101
R971.053 Au22 CESC
Austin, Samuel
The Apology of Patriots, or The heresy of the friends of the Washington and peace policy defended. A Sermon preached in Worcester, Massachusetts, on the Day of the National Fast, Thursday, August 20, 1812. Observed in compliance with the recommendation of James Madison, President of the United States: and in consequence of the Declaration of War Against Great-Britain.
Published by request.
Printed in Worcester, by Isaac Sturtevant. 1812\32
R973.52 AUS CESC