Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
War of 1812 - Collection Bibliography - R
Raymond, Ethel T
Tecumseh. A Chronicle of the last Great Leader of his People.
Toronto: Glasgow, Brook & Co., 1915
vol. 17 of Chronicles of Canada
xi, 159
R971 C468 CESC Vol. 17
Read, David Breakenridge 1823-1904
Life and Times of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K.B.
Toronto: William Briggs, 1894
ix, [11]-267
RB B782r CESC [3 copies]
Reilly, Robin
The British at the Gates. The New Orleans Campaign in the War of 1812.
New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1974
viii, 376
R973.5239 REI CESC
Report of the Select Committee to whom was referred a resolution relating to the claim of Massachusetts, for expenditures of their militia, for services during the late war.
March 10, 1818
Read, and ordered to be printed.
R973.62444 REP CESC
Reynolds, James fl 1812
Journal of An American Prisoner At Fort Malden and Quebec in the War of 1812
Edited by G.M. Fairchild, Jr.
Quebec: Privately Printed by Frank Carrel, 1909
#76 of 200
TPL 918
R971.053 R336 CESW
Richardson, Major John 1796-1852
The Canadian Brothers; or, The Prophecy Fulfilled in Two Volumes.[A Sequel to Wacousta]
Montreal: A.H. Armour & H. Ramsay, 1840
xii, 220; 228, iv
GagnonI 3017; Lande 2131; Sabin 71036; TPL 2391;
Watters pg. 373
R819.3 W394c CESC [2 copies Vol. I only][one set inscribed by author]
Richardson, Major John 1796-1852
War of 1812. First Series. Containing a Full and Detailed Narrative of the Operations of the Right Division, of the Canadian Army, by Major Richardson, K.S.F.
Brockville: n.p., 1842
Gagnon I 3018; Howes 8587; Lande 755; Sabin 71045; TPL 1006;
Watters pg. 567
R971.034 R394a CESC
Richardson, Major John 1796-1852
Westbrook. The Outlaw or the Avenging Wolf
Montreal: Grant Woolmer Books, 1973
viii, 74
[One original copy known to exist as a newspaper serial only from the Sunday Mercury, New York, Sept. 4- Oct. 26, 1851 in seven consecutive numbers from which this edition was copied]
Watters pg. 374 "Diligent search discovered no copy of this work, whose title has been attributed to Richardson by H.J. Morgan in Bibliotheca Canadensis (1867) and, Subsequently, by various others."
R819.3 R394we CESC
Riddell, William Renwick
A Canadian's View of the battle of Plattsburgh.
A Canadian's View of the Battle of New Orleans.
The Century of Peace and its Significance.
Addresses by William Renwick Riddell, justice of the Supreme Court of Ontario.
n.p.;ca 1915
R971.034 RID CESC
Roberts, Lloyd 1884-1966
Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1928
R971.92 T228s CESC
Robertson, Thomas B.
The Fighting Bishop. John Strachan - The First Bishop of Toronto. And Other Essays in His Times.
Ottawa: The Graphic Publishers, 1926
[War of 1812: essays on the Battle of Lake Erie and the Battle Chateauguay]
R971.3 R548 CESC
Robinson, Major-General Charles Walker 1836-1924
Canada and Canadian Defence. The Defensive Policy of the Dominion in Relation to the Character of her Frontier, The Events of the War of 1812-14, and her Position To-Day.
Toronto: The Musson Book Co., ca 1910
x, 186, fold. map.
R355 R561 CESC
Rogers, Robert Cameron
Will O' the Wasp. A Sea Yarn of the War of '12.
Edited by Henry Lawrence, U.S.N. and now brought before the public for the first time.
New York & London: G. Putnam's Sons, 1896
10, 269, 1
Roosevelt, Theodore 1858-191
The Naval War of 1812 or the History of the United States Navy During the last War with Great Britain; to which is Appended an account of the Battle of New Orleans.
Fourth Edition
New York: G.P. Putnem's Sons, 1889
xxxviii, 549,2
Howes 8753
R971.053 R677 CESC
Root, Corwin
An American, Sir.
A Novel
New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1940
[1st edition]
Rosenburg, Max
The Building of Perry's Fleet on Lake Erie, 1812-1813
Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission,
viii, 72
R971.053 R723 CESC
Rowland, Mrs. Dunbar(Eron Rowland)
Andrew Jackson's Campaign Against the British, or the Mississippi Territory in the War of 1812. Concerning the Military Operations of the Americans, Creek Indians, British and Spanish, 1813-1815.
Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, (1926), 1971
xvii, 424
R973,5238 ROW CESC
The Royal Gazette Extraordinary
St. John's, Newfoundland. Monday, July 20, 1812
R971.034 ROY CESC
Russell, John Jr.(Comp) 1793-1863
The History of the War, between the United States and Great-Britain, Which commenced in June, 1812, and closed in February 1815; containing The correspondence which passed between the two governments, immediately preceding and since hostilities commenced; the declaration of war, and the official reports of land and naval engagements; Compiled chiefly from Public Documents. With an Appendix, containing the correspondence which passed between our commissioners, and those appointed by Great-Britain in treating for peace. To which is added The Treaty of Peace, and a List of Vessels taken from Great-Britain during the War.
Second edition
Hartford: B. & J. Russell, 1815
viii, [9]-402, 2
Howes 8856; Sabin 74337; Thibeault 10173; TPL 1072
R971.053 R914 CESW
Ryerson, Adolphus Egerton 1803-1882
The Loyalist of America and Their Times: From 1620-1816.
In Two Volumes
Volume II
Toronto: William Briggs, 1880
xxii, 489
[War of 1812; pp. 315-894]
Howes 8880; Watters pg. 894
R971.041 R981L CESC vol. II