Keefer Pamphlets – L

A Lecture Delivered Before the Brockville Library Association and Mechanics' Institute. Introductory to the Course of Lectures for 1855 by the Rev. J. Travers Lewis, L.L.D. Printed by Request of the Association
Brockville: David Wylie, 1855
vol. 3 #17
mf #846


Little Miami Railroad Company
President’s Report
Cincinnati: Office of the Little Miami Rail Road Company, 1846
vol. 9 #20
mf #863


Little Miami Railroad Company
Seventh annual report of the Directors of the Little Miami Railroad Company for 1849 Cincinnati: Printed at the Office of the Cincinnati Daily Gazette, 1849
vol. 7 #2
mf #862


Locke, Joseph
Report of Joseph Locke, Chief Engineer of the Grand Junction Railway between Birmingham and Liverpool, England [Liverpool, 1835]
[20 + Schedule of Accidents on the Great Western Railway from the Opening of the Road to 1st November, 1854]
vol. 6 #13
mf #861


Lockport and Niagara Falls Railroad
Report on the Lockport and Niagara Falls Rail Road. To the President and Directors. Showing the estimated cost and probably income of the rail road, if extended from Lockport to Rochester. by Charles B. Stuart, Chief Engineer, February 1, 1849 Rochester: Printed by Jerome and Brother, Daily American Office, 1849
vol. 8 #9
mf #862


Lockport and Niagara Falls Railroad
Report on the Lockport and Niagara Falls Rail Road. To the President and Directors. Showing the estimated cost and probably income of the rail road if extended from Lockport to Rochester, by Charles B. Stuart, Chief Engineer. February 1, 1849 Rochester: Printed by Jerome and Brother, Daily American Office, 1849
vol. 9 #4
mf #863


Lockport and Niagara Falls Railroad Co.
Report of Charles B. Stuart, Chief Engineer, of the Lockport and Niagara Falls Railroad Company, showing the estimated cost and probable income of the road, if extended from Lockport to Rochester.
Second Edition. September 1, 1847
vol. 9 #6
mf #863


Logan, W.E.
On the Foot-prints occurring in the Potsdam Sandstone of Canada
From the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London for August 1852, Vol. VIII
[199-225 + illus.]
vol. 10 #3
mf #864


Logan, W.E.
On the Occurrence of a Track and Foot-Prints of an Animal in the Potsdam Sandstone of Lower Canada
From the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London for August 1851, Vol. VII [247-250] with Owen, Prof.
Description of the Impressions on the Potsdam Sandstone discovered by Mr. Logan in Lower Canada
vol. 10 #4
mf #864


London and Gore Railroad
Report of the Engineer, upon the Preliminary Surveys, for the London and Gore Rail Road.
Toronto: Courier Office – G.H. Hackstaff, Printer, 1836
vol. 7 #14
mf #862


Long, S.H., Lt. Col. Of the U.S. Engineers
Description of Col. Long's Bridges, Together with a Series of Directions to Bridge Builders.
Concord, N.H.: Printed by John F. Brown, 1836
[73 + illus.]
vol. 7 #7
mf #862