Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Keefer Pamphlets – M
Prospectus of McGill College, Montreal; founded by Bequest of the Hon. James McGill, in 1811, Erected into a University by Royal Charter in 1821, and Re-organized by an Amended Charter in 1852. Session of 1856-7
Montreal: Hew Ramsay, 1856
vol. 3 #22
mf #846
Massachusetts. Senate.
Committee on Railways and Canals Annual Reports of the Railroad Corporation in the State of Massachusetts, 1849
Boston: Dutton and Wentworth, Printers to the State, 1850 (Senate no. 30)
vol. 5 #2
mf #860
Michigan Central Railroad Company
Fourth Annual Report of the Directors of the Michigan Central Railroad Company, to the Stockholders; together with the Reports of the Treasurer and Superintendent, June 1, 1850
Boston: Eastburn’s Press, 1850
vol. 8 #8
mf #862
Michigan Central Railroad Company
Third Annual Report of the Directors of the Michigan Central Railroad Company, to the Stockholders. Together with the Reports of the Treasurer and Superintendent. June 1, 1849
Boston: Eastburn’s Press, 1849
[29 + map]
vol. 9 #16
mf #863
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Company
Report on The Affairs of the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Company; Submitted to the Stockholders by the Executive committee, January, 1840
Schenectady: Riggs & Norris, Printers, 1840
vol. 7 #13
mf #862
Mohawk Valley Railroad
Report of the Survey and Estimate of the Mohawk Valley Railroad, made to the Board of Directors, May 1, 1851 [by Edward H. Brodhead]
New York: Wm. C. Bryant & Co., 1851
vol. 2 #6
Morell, William H.
Report on the Surveys, Estimates and Revenues of the Ligett's Gap Rail-Road, connecting the Lackawanna Coal Basin with the New York and Erie Rail-Road at Great Bend to the President and Directors.
Ithaca N.Y.: Andrus, Gauntlett & Co., Printers, 1849
vol. 9 #17
mf #863
Morgan, Richard P., Engineer
Report of the Survey of the Route of the Galena and Chicago Union Rail Road, by Richard P. Morgan, Together with the original charter of the company, and amendments thereto. Chicago: Daily Tribune Print, 1847
vol. 7 #15
mf #862
Morton, A.C., Civil Engineer
Report on the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Rail-Road, Its Influence on the Trade of the St. Lawrence, and Statistics of the Cost and Traffic of the New York and Massachusetts Rail-Roads.
Montreal: Printed at the Canada Gazette Office, 1849
vol. 9 #15
mf #863