Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Keefer Pamphlets - O – P
Owego Advertiser - Extra A Comparison showing the advantages of Rail-roads vs. Canals & Rivers for the transportation of Freight and Passengers; addressed to the people of the "Southern tier of counties", state of New-
York 1841
vol. 6 #15
mf #861
Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road Company
Report of the President and Managers of the Philadelphia & Reading Rail Road Company, to the Stockholders, and also A Report of David A. Neal, January 14, 1850 Philadelphia: Craig & Young, 1850
vol. 2 #2
mf #845
Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road Company
Report of the President and Managers of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road to the Stockholders, January 13, 1851
Philadelphia: Moss and Brother, 1851
vol. 2 #3
mf #845
Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road Company
Report of the President and Managers of the Philadelphia & Reading Rail Road Company, to the stockholders, and also A Report of David A. Neal. Jan. 14, 1850 Philadelphia: Craig & Young, Printers, 116 Chesnut Street, below Fourth, 1850
vol. 7 #1
mf #861
A plan for the systematic colonization of Canada, and all other British colonies, by an officer of rank nearly twenty years resident in Canada. London, Hatchard, 1850 vol. 8 #13 missing when filmed (06/8/03) A Plan for the Systematic Colonization of Canada, and all other British Colonies. By an Officer ;of Rank, nearly Twenty Years Resident in Canada. London: Hatchard and Son, Piccadilly, 1850
[84 + maps]
vol. 8 #15
mf #863