Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Red Hill Creek Expressway Books: 1982-1983
Background Reports Red Hill Expressway Consolidated Hearings - Factors Affecting Response to Road Noise
S.M. Taylor and F.L. Hall
Department of Geography and Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Environment and Planning A, volume 9, pages 585-597
CA3ONHWAO5 84 B166
Red Hill Creek Valley Recreation Plan. Red Hill Creek Land Use Potential. A Plan of Cultural, Social and Recreational Uses in the Red Hill Creek Valley
September 1982
CA4ONHBLZ65 82 R23
Background Reports Red Hill Expressway Consolidated Hearings - Reliability of Social Survey Data on Noise Effects
Fred L. Hall and S. Martin Taylor Department of Geography and Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 72(4)
October 1982
CA3ONHWAO5 84 B168
Mountain East-West and North-South Transportation Corridor. Vol. 1. Environmental Assessment Submission
Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth
December 1982
R388.40971352 MOU Vol. 1 CESH
Mountain East-West and North-South Transportation Corridor. Vol. II - Exhibits
Environmental Assessment Submission
December 1982
R388.40971352 MOU Vol. 2 CESH
Mountain East-West and North-South Transportation Corridor. Revised Travel Forecast
R388.40971352 MOU CESH
Review Under the Environmental Assessment Act prepared by Ministries and Agencies of the Province of Ontario. Mountain East-West and North-South Transportation Corridor Environmental Assessment
EA File No. 1-81-0021-000
Submitted by: The Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth
August 1983
R388.40971352 REV CESH
Mountain East-West and North-South Transportation Corridor. Supplementary Documentation. Environmental Assessment Submission
Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth
November 1983
R388.40971352 MOU Vol. 2 CESH
Comments by Government Reviewers: Environmental Assessment Submission Mountain East West and North South Transportation Corridor
Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Municipality Council
Effect of Proposed North-South Expressway on Peak Flood Flows and Levels in Lower Red-Hill Creek
Department of Engineering. Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Municipality.
CA3ONHWQ90 83 E26
Effects of the Upper Ottawa Street Landfill on Redhill Creek: Interim Report Upper Ottawa Street Landfill Study Reference Paper 14
Upper Ottawa Street Landfill Site Study Committee. Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth
CA3ONHWQ90 83 I56R14