Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Red Hill Creek Expressway Books: 2000-
The Red Hill Valley Program newsletter
City of Hamilton, 2002-
R388.10971352 RED
Red Hill Creek Expressway, North-South section: draft report, King’s Forest Golf Course impact assessment study
Prepared by Graham Cooke & Associates
R388.40971352 GRA
A stream network inventory, fluvial geomorphologic assessment, impact assessment, and preliminary natural channel design of Red Hill Creek: prepared for the City of Hamilton
Prepared by Water Regime Investigations and Simulations Ltd.
R551.4420971352 WAT
Red Hill Valley Project public consultation report
Prepared by Lura Consulting
R388.40971352 LUR
The Red Hill Valley Project: impact assessment and design process summary report
City of Hamilton
R388.40971352 HAM
The Red Hill Valley Project land use assessment report: prepared for the City of Hamilton
Prepared by Dillon Consulting
R388.40971352 DIL
Red Hill Valley Project landscape management plan: [draft]
Prepared by Envision, the Hough Group...[et al]
R713.0971352 ENV
Red Hill Creek Expressway, North-South section: snowdrifting assessment
Prepared by Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin, Inc.
R388/40971352 ROW
Red Hill Creek Expressway, North-South section: traffic noise impact assessment
Prepared by Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin, Inc.
R388.40971352 ROW
Red Hill Creek Expressway, North-South section: air quality assessment
Prepared by Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin, Inc.
R363.7392 ROW
Red Hill Creek Expressway, North-south section: vehicle air emissions inventory
Prepared by Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin, Inc.
R363.7392 ROW
Red Hill Creek Expressway, North-south section: thermal dynamics impact assessment
Prpared by William Davies & Irwin, Inc.
R551.660971352 ROW
Red Hill Creek Expressway, North-South section: post-construction ambient air quality monitoring for Lincoln Alexander Parkway
Prepared by Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin, Inc.
R363.7392 ROW
Red Hill Creek Expressway, North-South section: pre-construction ambient air quality monitoring
Prepared by Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin, Inc.
R363.7392 ROW
Red Hill Creek Expressway: contaminated sites impact assessment
Prepared by Dillon Consulting
R363.7396 DIL
Predicted increases in respirable particulate matter (PM), NO2, CO2, and VOC near the Red Hill Valley Expressway: possible human health effects from exposure: prepared for the City of Hamilton
Prepared by Cantox Environmental Inc.
R363.7387 CAN
Noise assessment (QEW section)
Ontario Ministry of Transport
R388.40971352 NOI
Impact assessment and design process surface water and stormwater quality technical report: prepared for the City of Hamilton
Prepared by Philips Engineering Ltd.
R553.790971352 PHI
Hydrogeologic inventory and impact assessment
Prepared by Blackport and Associates
R553.790971352 BLA
Fisheries and the Red Hill Creek realignment study: prepared for the City of Hamilton
Prepared by C. Portt and Associates
Final terrestrial resources technical report. Prepared for the City of Hamilton
Prepared by Dougan & Associates
R333.70971352 DOU
Escarpment crossing visual assessment: prepared for Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth
Prepared by Hough Woodland Naylor Dance Leinster
R388.40971352 HOU
Economic impact to business at QEW interchange
Prepared by C.N. Watdon and Associates Ltd.
R388.40971352 C
Cultural heritage resource assessment: prepared for the City of Hamilton
Prepared by Archaeological Resources Inc.: Unterman, McPhail, Cuming Associates; in association with Historica Research Ltd.
R363.690971352 ARC
City of Hamilton southern flying squirrel study: prepared for the City of Hamilton
By Ewa Bednarczuk and Kevin Judge
R599.369 BED
Red Hill Valley Archives [electronic resource]: July 31, 2004
Hamilton,Ont.: Friends of Red Hill Valley, 2004
333.720971352 RED (Central Library CD ROM collection)