Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Hamilton Books in the OGS
Hamilton Books in the OGS
Library Vox Lycei. Hamilton Central Collegiate Yearbook. Local History & Archives periodicals (01728)
Locke Street Presbyterian (St. James) & Barton Stone Marriages. 1896-1915. Photocopy of actual register. (01751)
Marriages. 1896-1910. Locke St. & Chalmers Church & Barton Stone Churches. 1916-1925 (01761)
1846 Hamilton - Frontier Town to Ambitious City. R971.352 HEN CESH (01832)
20 Years History. 1958-1978. Hamilton & District Branch - Ontario Association Superannuated Women Teachers. (01834)
50 Years with St. Giles. 1908-1958. (01835)
A Continuing Adventure. First United Church: 1824-1964, 140th Anniversary. (01836)
A Women’s Place: History - Hamilton YWCA 1889-1989. R267.5971352 SEB CESH (01837)
Ancient Graveyards in & around Hamilton [Clippings]. CF - Hamilton - Cemeteries - (01838)
Anniversary Reflections: 1856-1981. A History of the Hamilton Roman Catholic Diocese R282.713521 FOR CESH (01839)
Around and About Hamilton . 1785-1985 R971.352 ARO CESH (01840)
Boat Builders of Hamilton - Mid 1800’s to Present. R338.762382 BAL CESH (01841)
Centennial Souvenir of First Methodist Church. 1824-1924. R287.92097135 DAV CESH (01843)
Central Collegiate Class & Prize List 1928/29; 1929/30. (01844)
Central Collegiate Class & Prize List 1930/31; 1931/32. (01845)
Central Presbyterian Church. Annual Report. 1897. (01846)
Central School Jubilee Celebrations - 1903. R379.7135 Sm61 CESH (01847)
Charles R. McCullough. 1930-1947. Finding Aid. Spectator Columns. (01848)
Church of St. James the Apostle. 1915-1990. 75th Anniversary. (01849)
City of Hamilton Directories. 1853-present. Local History & Archives microfilm
City of Hamilton - Ward Boundary Maps. 1813-1985. Local History & Archives Information Desk. (01852)
City of Hamilton Voters List. Ward 6. 1956 (incomplete). (01855)
City of Hamilton Voters List. Ward 6. 1956 [missing June 2002]. (01856)
Death Notices - The Spectator, February 1996. (01857)
Death Notices - The Spectator, January 1996. (01858)
Death Notices - The Spectator, March 1996. (01859)
Dictionary of Hamilton Biography. Vol. 1-4. R971.352 DIC CESH (01860, 01861, 01862, 02188)
Downtown Hamilton: The Heart of it all. R971.352 DOW CESH (01863)
Engagements, Marriages, Births, Deaths. Hamilton Spectator. Oct. 28 - Nov. 17, 1965. (01864)
Germania 100 Jahre. R325.2430971 GER CESH (01865)
Guide to Genealogical Resources at McMaster University (Baptist). (01866)
Hamilton: An Illustrated History. R971.3521 WEA CESH (01867)
Hamilton: Panorama of our past. R971.352 HAM CESH (01868)
Hamilton 1889-1890: From the light-lit bay to the lordly hill. R971.352 HEN CESH (01869)
Hamilton Branch Newsletters. 1970+ Local History & Archives Periodicals (01873)
Hamilton Branch Newsletters: Directory of Published Articles. 1971-1995. (01874)
Hamilton Businesses. 1930. (01878)
Hamilton Centennial. 1846-1946. R971.352 HAM CESH (01879)
Hamilton Heritage News Happenings. Vol. 1 & 2. 1985/6. (01882)
Hamilton Our Lives and Times. R971.352 HEN CESH (01883)
Hamilton Spectator - Births & Deaths. 1982, 1983, 1985, 1988. (01884)
Hamilton Spectator - Deaths, Marriages, Births. 1846- Jan.1895 [Gordon Allison; continued by Glanbrook Historical Society 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898]
Local History & Archives Pamphlet File - Hamilton Spectator (by date) (01885; 02184)
Hamilton’s Doctors. 1863-1935. R610.971352 STO CESH (01886)
Handbook of Home Economics - Elementary School, Hamilton 1944. (01887)
Hess Street School 1882-1974: Pictorial History R372.9713 HES CESH (01888)
History of James Street Baptist Church 1844-1969. (01890)
History of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church. 1833-1893. R285.2713521 FIS CESH (01891)
Holocaust Recollections. Stories of 10 Hamiltonians Who Survived. R940.53180922 HOL CESH (01892)
Marmor, 1961. McMaster University. (01893)
Marriage Register 1857-1880: MacNab Street Presbyterian Church. (01894)
Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology. 1977 Spring Convocation. (01895)
Names from Notices, News Items and Inquests from Spectator. 1871-1873 [missing May 2002]. (01896)
The North End Lives. Bennetto School. 1888-1988. (01897)
St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church. Monuments and Inscriptions. (01898)
On the Market. R381.41097135 QUI CESH (01899)
Out of the Storied Past. R971.3521 BUR CESH (01901)
Out of the Storied Past. 1947-1963. Finding Aid. Spectator Columns by Mabel Burkholder, (01902)
Peace Memorial’s Book of Memories. 1919-1994. (01903)
People Who Lived in Hamilton 50 Years or More. Hamilton Centennial 1913. (01904)
People & Events. Mabel Burkholder. 1930-1944. (01905)
Saga of a City - 330 Years of Progress in Hamilton . R971.351 WAT CESH (01906)
The Second North End Reunion. Opening the New Convention Centre. R971.3521 NOR CESH (01907)
Sir Allan Napier MacNab. R971.040924 MACNAB BEE CESH (01908)
St. Lawrence Church 1890-1990. 100 Years. R282.71352 LAW CESH (01909)
Tales from the North End. R971.3521 MUR CESH (01910)
The Presbytery of Hamilton 1836-1967. R285.271352 PRE CESH (01911)
This Place of Worship - Central Presbyterian Church. 1841-1991. 150 Years in the History R285.273152 ING CESH (01912)
Tree Tracers. Vol. 1-9. (Family Data – Supplement to Hamilton Branch Newsletters) (01914)
Tyrrell’s Society Blue Book. Toronto & Hamilton, 1902: A Social Directory. R917.13 SOC CESH (01915)
Wee Kirks & Stately Steeples. 1800-1990. Hamilton History of Presbytery of Hamilton R285.271352 WEE CESH (01918)
West End Businesses. 1920’s - 1980’s. (01919)
West Hamilton - A Village and a Church. R971.352 JAR CESH (01920)
A Mountain and a City. R971.3521 CAM CESH (01978)
Centenary United Church - A Short History. (01980)
Christ Church Cathedral Cemetery. (01981)
Index to Ancestry Charts 1-40. (02025)
Robinson Funeral Home Burial Records: 1898-1952. R929.371352 ROB CESH (02031)
LG. Wallace Funeral Home Records: 1922-1952. R929.371352 LG CESH (02032)
Blachford & Wray: Record of Burials 1851-1952. R929.3713521 BLA CESH (02033)
Dodsworth & Brown Funeral Home Records: 1897-1952. R929.371352 DOD CESH (02034)
Dwyer Funeral Home Records: 1884-1952. R929.371352 DWY CESH (02036)
Markey-Dermody Funeral Home Records: 1923-1952. R929.371352 MAR CESH (02037)
J.B. Marlatt Funeral Home Records: 1926-1959. (Includes index) Section 1: Hamilton; Section 2: Dundas R929.371352 JB CESH (02038)
Cemetery Transcribing & Publishing. A Quarter Century Report. (02116)
The Head of the Lake. A History of Wentworth County. R971.351 JOH CESH (02117)
A Historical Report: Ottawa Street North. (02119)
Hamilton Normal School Year Book 1926-1927. (02121)
Hamilton Teachers’ College. The Log. Centennial Edition 1967. (02122)
Emigrants Who Received Transport from Hamilton 1843-1846 [missing June 2002], (02137)
Marmor 1932/33. McMaster University. (02152)
Within these walls: Livingston Remembered. History and Heartstrings of Livingston United Church 1889-1999. (02180)
A Livingston Scrapbook. Companion book to “Within these walls”. (02181)
History of Beth Jacob Congregation. 1886-1969. (02183)
Imperial Atlas 1903: City of Hamilton (maps only, no names) (02216)
Hamilton Historical Board: Presentation of Plaques. (02295)
Livingston United Church, History 1889-1964. 75th anniversary. (02304)
75th Anniversary, Sons of Italy, Trieste Lodge, Hamilton. 1920-1995. (02326)
Hamilton: a People’s History R971.352 FRE CESH (02337)
Made in Hamilton 20th Century Industrial Trail. (02366)
The McMaster University Alumni Directory: 1992. (02367)
Hamilton Street Names: An Illustrated Guide 971.352 HAM (02374)
Employees of the Hamilton Post Office, Hamilton, ON: 1886-1919. (02398)
Establishment of Schools and Colleges in Ontario, 1792 – 1910: Schools in the City of Hamilton. (02399)
1995 Hamilton Almanac, The. (02400)
Log, The: Year Book of the Hamilton Normal School, Hamilton, ON: Class of 1949–50. (02401)
1901 Census: Hamilton – Ward One R929.371352 NIN CESH (02417)
1901 Census: Hamilton – Ward Four – 1: Subdistricts D1, D4, D5, D7, D9, D10 R929.37152 NIN CESH (02418)
1901 Census: Hamilton – Ward Four – 2: Subdistricts D2, D3, D6, D8 R929.37152 NIN CESH (02419)
1901 Census: Hamilton – Ward Two R929.371352 NIN CESH (02450)
Footsteps in Time: Exploring Hamilton’s Heritage Neighbourhoods: Vol. 1. R971.352 MAN CESH (02461)
1901 Census: Hamilton – Ward Three R929.371352 NIN CESH (02491)
1901 Census: Hamilton – Ward Five R929.371352 NIN CESH (02492)
1901 Census: Hamilton – Ward Six R929.371352 NIN CESH (02508)
1901 Census: Hamilton – Ward Seven R929.371352 NIN CESH (02535)
For Cemetery indexes for Hamilton ask for the Finding Aid at the Local History & Archives Information Desk