Barton Branch Accessible Washroom Out of Order
The accessible washroom at Barton Branch is not working. We aim to get it fixed quickly.
Barton Branch - Roof Renovation
From March 12 to April 8, the Barton Branch will undergo roof repairs. There may be limited parking and noise disruptions. Thank you for your patience.
Concession Branch - Photocopying and Scanning Temporarily Not Available
As of Thursday, March 13th photocopying and scanning are temporarily not available at the Concession Branch. The estimated time of disruption is unknown. Thank you for your patience.
Mount Hope Branch - Photocopying, Printing, and Scanning Temporarily Not Available
As of Tuesday, March 11, photocopying, printing, and scanning are temporarily not available at the Mount Hope Branch. The estimated time of disruption is unknown. Thank you for your patience.
Phishing Scheme
Please be aware of online phishing attempts impersonating Hamilton Public Library and Library Staff. HPL does not solicit paid freelance opportunities through social media or other messaging applications. HPL does not request personal or banking information through social media or require financial compensation when reviewing job applications. Please report phishing schemes to If you think you are a victim of fraud, please call the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.
Turner Park Branch - Large Format Printer Unavailable
The large format printer at Turner Park is currently unavailable. Please utilize our other Makerspace locations if needed. We will advise once it is restored to service.
Roadwork near Barton Branch
Starting Monday March 17, the City of Hamilton begins roadwork on Wilson Street and Sherman Avenue. The construction will be completed in stages until December 2025. There may be traffic delays if you are planning to visit the Barton Branch.
The Land Papers

The Land Papers were presented to the Hamilton Public Library by the daughters of John H. Land in September of 1956. Robert Land, 1772-1867, was the third son of Robert, 1736-1818, and Phoebe Scott Land, Loyalists from the Delaware Valley, New York, who fled to Canada during the American Revolutionary War. Robert the elder was one of the first settlers at the Head of the Lake, now the City of Hamilton, Ontario.
Robert Land the younger married Hannah Horning of Barton Township. He served in the 5th Lincoln Militia during the War of 1812. In 1830 he was gazetted lieutenant-colonel, and during the Rebellion of 1837-38 was in command of the 3rd Gore Regiment stationed at Hamilton. Most of these papers deal with the activities of the 3rd Gore Regiment in and around Hamilton. The papers are as follows:
1. Land Family
a. Correspondence, 1835-1867; 1
b. Miscellaneous personal papers, 1810-1851; 26
c. Bond of Ephraim Land, 1803; 44
d. Account book of Peter Horning's estate
e. Indenture of R. Land articled to R. O. Duggan, 1839; 69
f. "The Old Red House" by Jessie Skinner; 74
2. Deeds of Land
a. Deeds, surveys, etc. 1800-1869; 77
b. Specifications for a house in Hamilton, 1847; 117
3. Military Letters and Dispatches
a. Undated; 122
b. 1813-1823; 129
c. 1837; 136
d. 1838; 220
e. Receipts for dispatches: Ancaster, 580; Stoney Creek, 605; Wellington Square, 627
f. Four letter-books kept by Robert Land, 1837-38; 669
g. 1839; 964
h. Letters and judgment rolls in the case of William Scott Burn; 990
i. 1847-1863; 1096
4. Muster Rolls and Returns
a. Undated; 1106
b. 5th Lincoln Militia, 1812-1818; 1113
c. 3rd Gore Militia, Undated; 1163
d. 3rd Gore Militia, 1837; 1170
e. 3rd Gore Militia, 1838; 1220
f. 3rd Gore Militia, by companies; 1245
g. Reserve Militia, by township; 1330
h. Reserve Militia, miscellaneous papers, 1847-1879; 1564-b
5. Paylists
3rd Gore Militia
a. Schedule of pay; 1589
b. Pay of staff and regimental officers; 1592
c. Pay of sergeants and privates; 1602
d. Paylists by companies; 1608
e. Returns of sums due 1638
f. Miscellaneous estimates and returns; 1648
g. Receipts for company pay; 1655
3rd Gore Cavalry
h. Regimental officers' pay; 1668
6. Families of Militiamen
a. Letters, 1837-1838; 1670
b. Returns for rations; 1688
c. Certificates of families entitled to draw rations; 1734
d. Requisition slips for provisions for wives and children. Not sorted; 1777
7. Returns of Sick
a. Medical certificates; 1778
b. Sick returns, March-July 1838; 1785
8. Guard Reports and Accounts; 1878
9. Commissariat
a. Six day-books kept by Quarter-master's office; 2015
b. Provisions and supplies; 2348
c. Requisitions and returns; 2639
d. Prisoners' rations; requisitions and returns; 2674
e. Proceedings of a Board of Inquiry; 2676
10. Military Supplies
a. Arms and ammunition; 2680
b. Office supplies; 2750
c. Clothing, bedding, etc.; 2752
d. Horses, forage, etc.; 2778
e. Barracks' accounts; 2820
f. Barracks and stables, rent and repairs; 2855
g. Miscellaneous accounts, 1841, 1848; 2874
11. Teamsters
a. Returns; 2876
b. Day-book, December 31, 1837-February 21, 1838; 2898
c. Claims; 2916
d. Paylists; 2922
e. Accounts; 2946
f. Certificates; 2961
g. Requisitions for teams; 3056
12. State Prisoners
a. Letters and Reports; 3061
b. Miscellaneous accounts; 3080
c. Requisitions; 3098
c. Returns for provisions; 3159
13. Miscellaneous Military Papers, 1812-1863
a. Claims; 3169
b. Barracks regulations and accounts, 1827-1838; 3182
c. Commissions: 1823; 1830; 1839; 1869; 1870; 3315
d. Courts martial: 1812; 1820; 1838; 3346
e. Rules of the Rifle Association, 7th Military District, Upper Canada, organized July 1863; 3354
f. Torn and incomplete papers ----
14. Printed Acts, Reports, etc., 1813-1863; 3358
15. Books in the possession of Mrs. C. M. Clinton, 68 Water Street, Burlington
a. Letter book, November 26, 1838 - February 16, 1839, containing general orders of Lt. Col. Land.
b. Register and return of troops under Lt. Col. Land, May 1838