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Roll of Honour - World War I

A (55) B (156) C (164) D (79) E (35) F (59) G (84) H (153) I (7) J (49) K (40) L (81) M (171) N (26) O (13) P (79) Q (3) R (83) S (180) T (75) U (1) V (17) W (122) Y (14) Z (2)

Cadman, Enoch
Cadman, Thomas
Cairns, Charles R.
Calderly, Edward
Caldwell, Thos.
Callon, Bruce
Cameron, C.
Cameron, C.E.
Cameron, John B.
Cameron, John Robson
Campbell, Alex.
Campbell, Daniel
Campbell, Donald
Campbell, Gordon
Campbell, Lynn
Caplan, Fred, Wm.
Carey, William Vincent
Carpenter, Leonard Albert
Carroll, Martin
Carroll, Peter James
Carroll, Wm. Henry
Carsell, A.H.
Carson, Charles
Carswell, Albert H.
Carter, John Albert
Carty, David
Cash, Fred. A.
Caskie, Archibald
Cathcart, Albert
Catton, Alfred E.
Catton, Alfred John
Cavanagh, Thomas
Cavill, Arthur H.
Chadwick, Joseph
Chalcroft, Alfred T.
Chaloner, William
Chambers, John Angus
Chambers, W.H.
Chapin, Curran
Chapman, Richard H
Chapple, Albert Edward
Charbonneau, Theo. J.
Charlton, J.T.
Charnock, Walter
Cherry, R.M.
Chesters, Thomas
Chew, James
Child, Philip J.
Childs, Alfred E.
Chivac, N.J.
Choce, John
Chrichton, Albert
Chrichton, Alfred
Christian, Arthur M.
Christiansen, O.
Christie, Leonard
Chubb, Arthur William
Church, Ernest
Church, Martin L.
Churches, David
Churchward, Thomas
Claire, Henry
Clapham, John M.
Claringbold, John
Clark, Alfred
Clark, E.V.
Clark, George
Clark, J.
Clark, Robert G.
Clark, Sidney
Clarke, Henman
Clarke, William G.
Clarkson, Charles E.
Clarkson, Elroy
Clarkson, M.A.
Clegg, R.
Clegg, Sidney
Clement, Ernest
Clements, Wireless Operator
Cliffe, E.
Cliffe, Frank
Cliffe, Jabez A.
Clifton, Wm. P.
Clutterbuck, A.H.
Coan, George
Coce, John
Cocks, Hugh John
Cohen, Meyer T.
Cole, Thomas
Coleman, John
Colling, Clarence A.
Collins, W.
Collyer, William
Conery, Robert
Conner, Robert
Coogan, John Francis
Cook, Geo. W.
Cook, John R.
Cooke, E.
Cooke, Fred
Cooke, John A.
Cooke, Wm. F.
Coomber, H.A.
Cooper, Edwin A.
Cooper, Ernest
Cooper, John
Cooper, John Harry
Cooper, John William
Coote, Robert
Copp, Fred W.
Corner, Edward
Cornish, Ernest
Cosgrove, Edward Bernard
Costie, William John
Cotton, Peter Joseph
Couillard, Arthur
Cousins, Andrew A.
Covington, Ed. W.
Cowan, George
Cowan, Morley
Coward, Albert
Cowell, Herbert
Cox, Alexander
Cox, Reginald J.
Crane, Edward J.
Crapper, Alfred Thomas
Crapper, George W.
Crawford, Daniel
Crawford, Frederick
Creillin, Neilson
Crellin, Neilson Burt
Crerar, Malcolm C.
Crewe, James
Crichton, Alfred George
Crisp, John P.
Crocker, F.
Crockett, George
Crockett, Harold George
Croft, Charles H.
Croft, John
Crompton, Frederick
Croogan, John F.
Cropper, John Wm.
Cross, Russell
Cross, W.
Cross, W.C.
Crossley Herbert
Crosthwaite, Thoas.
Crosthwaite, Thomas
Crowe, Harold
Crowley, John
Crull, Ivan
Crusoe, William
Cullen, David
Cullen, W.E.
Cullen, William
Cunliffe, Harry
Curch, Oscar
Curren, John
Curry, Joseph Franklin
Curtis, Stanley Bedford
Cutler, Harold George
Cutter, Warren
Cuzner, Lloyd