551.2209549138 EAR
Central Library: Main Elevator Out of Order
One of the main elevators at Central Library is currently out of order. Estimated time of disruption is unknown. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Library Services Update
HPL is recovering from the City of Hamilton's cybersecurity-related incident, which began Sunday February 25 and continues today. Learn more.
- Public computers are available at all branches. JAWS (Job Access With Speech) computers are not available.
- Printing is available at all branches.
- Photocopying and scanning is available at all branches except at Westdale & Concession.
- Public Wi-Fi is available at all branches.
- Makerspace services are available at select locations.
Contact Library Staff at 289-779-7588, hpl.ca or askus@hpl.ca. Check hpl.ca/events for programs and hpl.ca/hours for open hours.
394.260971352 EAR
289.94 EAS
285.2713521 EAS
286.171352 EAS
725.21097135 EAT
381.1 T
289.9 EBE
330.971352 HAM
370.971352 EDU
324.971 HAM
324.971352 HAM
324.9713 HAM
324.70971352 ELE
365.660971352 ELI
658.0092 ELLIO
286.171352 ELL
286.171352 ELM
728.09713521 ELM
728.09713521 ELS
362.11 EME
287.92097135 EMM
331.13797135 HAM
388.55 ENB
285.2713521 ERS
917.13 ESC
286.171352 EVA
284.171352 EVA
027.471352 EXT