Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
War of 1812 - Collection Bibliography - U
United States. Congress. House of Representatives.
[44] Report of the Committee to whom was referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of Connecticut, on behalf of the widow and children of Charles Dolph, deceased.
7th February, 1816
R971.034 REP CESC
United States. Congress. House of Representatives.
[39] Report of The Committee To Whom was Referred The Resolution of the House of Representatives, of Eighteenth March Last, Directing An inquiry "Whether any, and if any what means of retrenchment and economy, and reform in the general management, and of extension and efficiency, in the naval establishment, may be expedient."
January 9, 1815
Read and ordered to be printed.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1815
R971.034 UNI CESC
United States. Congress. House of Representatives.
[41] Resolution. By Mr. King, of Massachusetts.
February 6, 1816
Read and ordered to lie upon the table.
-re exclusion or increase of duties on foreign vessels and products
R971.034 KIN CESC
United States. Congress. House of Representatives.
Speech of the Hon. Josiah Quincy, In the House of Representatives of the U.S. Jan. 25, 1812. In Relation to Maritime Protection.
R971.034 UNI CESC
United States. Congress. House of Representatives.
30th Congress. 1st session. Miscellaneous No. 74
[To accompany bill H.R. No. 435]
Captain Lewis Warrington and Others.
Memorial of Lewis Warrington, Captain in the U.S. Navy,(In behalf of himself and the officers and crew of the U.S. sloop-war Peacock) Praying that the one half of the proceeds of the Epervier and goods, which went into the treasury by mistake, be restored to the officers and crew of said vessel, it having been decreed to them by the United States court as captors.
April 26, 1848
Ordered to be printed
R973.5256 UNI CESC
United States. Congress. House of Representatives.
25th Congress. 2d. session [Rep. No. 711] Ho. of Reps.
Canadian Volunteers.
March 21, 1838
Read, and laid on the table
Mr. Harlan, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, made the following report: The Committee on Private Land Claims, to which was referred a resolution of this House instructing them "To inquire into the expediency of reviving the provisions of the act granting bounty lands and extra pay to certain Canadian volunteers, approved the 5th of March 1816, and an act to amend said act, approved 3d March, 1817" have had the same under consideration, and report......
R971.034 UNI CESC
United States. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee of Ways and Means
Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, to The Secretary of The Treasury in relation to the Revenue necessary for the service of the United States for the present and Future Years; and the Ways and Means for Raising the Same with the answer of the Secretary of the Treasury thereto.
January 20th, 1812.
Ordered to be printed.
Washington City: R.C. Weightman, 1812
26 p.
R973.52 LET CESC
United States. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee of Ways and Means
Report of the Committee of Ways and Means, in relation To the Revenue necessary For the Service of the Present and Two Succeeding Years; accompanied with a plan for raising the same.
February 17th, 1812.
Read and Committed to a committee of the whole House on Monday next.
Washington City: R. C. Weightman, 1812
15 p.
R973.52 REP CESC
United States. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs
Report, in Part, of the Committee on Foreign Relations Accompanied with a Bill for the Regulation of Seamen on Board Public Vessels and in the Merchant Service of the United States. January 29, 1813
Read, and ordered to lie on the table
Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers, 1813
R971.034 UNI CESC #7
United States. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs
Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the Message of the President recommending Certain Regulations Respecting American Seamen.
February 28, 1815.
Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1815
R971.034 UNI CESC
United States. Congress. Senate.
In Senate of the United States.
February 27, 1815
R971.034 UNI CESC
United States. Congress. Senate.
Memorial of the Committee of Vigilance and Safety of the City and Precincts of Baltimore, on The Necessity of Providing An Adequate Force for The Protection of That City during The Next Campaign.
February 1, 1815
Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1815
R971.034 COM CESC
United States. Congress. Senate.
Mr. Hunter's Motion.
December 21, 1814
Printed and order of the Senate of the United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1814
R971.034 HUN CESC
United States. Congress. Senate.
Mr. Lloyd's Speech, in the Senate. Monday, Dec. 19. On The Bill Making Further Provisions for Enforcing the Embargo.
[James Lloyd]
R973.48 LLO CESC
United States. Congress. Senate.
Mr. Lloyd's Speech, in the Senate of the United States. On the Bill "Concerning the Naval Establishment."
February 28, 1812
[James Lloyd]
R973.525 LLO CESC