Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
War of 1812 - Collection Bibliography - U
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
Letter from Mr. Erskine, The British Minister to The Secretary of State, on the Subject of the British Orders in Council of the Eleventh of November, 1807.
Accompanying a message from the president of the United States, received on the 30th March, 1808.
April 2, 1808
Printed by order of the House of Representatives
City of Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers, 1808
R327.410973 GRE CESC
United States. Treasury Department
[10] Letter from The Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, to the Secretary of the Treasury, on the Subject of a System of Revenue to Revive and Maintain Unimpaired the Public Credity, with the Answer of the Secretary Thereto.
October 18, 1814
Read, and committed to the committee of the whole house on the report of the committee of ways and means on so much of the president's message as relates to the finances of the United States.
Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers, 1814
R971.034 UNI CESC
United States. Treasury Department
[14] Letter from The Secretary of the Treasury, accompanying A Bill to Amend the Twenty-Seventh Section of the Act, Entitled "An Act to Lay and Collect a Direct Tax within the United States."
January 3, 1814
Ordered to be printed
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1814
R973.522 UNI CESC
United States. Treasury Department
[73] Letter from The Secretary of the Treasury, to The Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, submitting A proposition to provide for paying the interest, and gradually reducing the stock debt, created during the late war.
March 2, 1815
Laid before the House by the Chairman of the committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Washington City: Roger C. Weightman, 1815
12 p.
R973.52 LET CESC
R973.521 UNI CESC
United States. Treasury Department
[81] Letter From the Secretary of the Treasury to the Chairman of the Committee on the National currency, in reply to inquiries by said Committee as to the practicability and expediency of collecting the dues of Government in gold, silver, and copper coin, treasury notes, and the notes of such banks as pay specie for their Bills.
April 6th, 1816
Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on the National Currency, and committed with the Bill "For the more effectual collection of the Public Revenue in the lawful money of the United States,"to a committee of the Whole House on Monday next.
R973.522 UNI CESC
United States. Treasury Department
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, Transmitting A Report on the Petition of Gould Hoyt.
February 17, 1815. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman. 1815
R327.7304 LET CESC
United States. Treasury Department
[40] Letter from The Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting An Estimate of Appropriations for the service of the Year 1814
January 20, 1814
Referred to the committee of ways and means
Washington City: Roger C. Weightman, 1814
99 p.
R973.521 LET CESC
United States. War Department
[82] Letter from the Acting Secretary of War, relative to the Collections of Militia Fines in Compliance with A Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 7th instant.
February 14, 1817
Read and ordered to lie upon the Table
Washington: Printed by William A. Davis, 1817
R973.521 UNI CESC
United States. War Department
[8] Letter from the Acting Secretary of War, Transmitting A Plan for The Organization and Discipline of The Militia; made In Compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives, of April 16, 1816
December 13, 1816
Read and referred to the committee on so much of the President's Message as relates to a re-organization of the Militia.
Washington: Printed by William A. Davis, 1816
R973.524 UNI CESC
United States. War Department
[83] Letter from the Acting Secretary of War, transmitting a Statement of The Probable of Annual Expense of the Military Academy, from the Year 1801 to 1816; The Number of Students educated at said Academy, and of those now retained in the army; as also of the appropriation for buildings, and for books, plans, &c.,&c.,
February 15, 1817
Read and ordered to lie upon the Table
Washington: Printed by William A. Davis, 1817
R355.70973 UNI CESC
United States. War Department
[91] Letter from the Acting Secretary of War, Transmitting An Official Report of The Adjutant and Inspector General relative to A Mutiny said To have taken place at Norfolk, of a part of the 38th regiment United States Infantry.
February 20, 1817
Read and ordered to lie upon the Table
Washington: Printed by William A. Davis, 1817
R973.524 UNI CESC
United States. War Department
[74] Letter from the Secretary of War, Communicating, In Obedience to A Resolution of The House of Representatives, of the 21st inst. Of the course pursued by that Department, as to the payment of interest in cases where bills have been drawn on the department, for money actually received by a public agent which bills were not paid for want of funds.
March 23, 1816
Read, and ordered to lie upon the Table
Washington: Printed by William A. Davis, 1816
R973.52 UNI CESC
United States. War Department
[75] Letter from the Secretary of War to the Chairman of the Committee of Claims, accompanying A Bill to Provide for the payment of Persons whose property shall be Impressed into the U. States' Service.
February 28, 1814
Read, and ordered to be printed
Washington: A. & G. Way, 1814
2 p.
R973.52 LET CESC
United States. War Department
[12] Letter from The Secretary of War, to the Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, upon the Subject of the Defects Existing in the present Military Establishment.
October 27, 1814
Laid before the house by the chairman of the committee, and ordered to be printed.
Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers, 1814
R973.524 LET CESC (2 copies)
United States. War Department
[51] Letter from The Secretary of War, Transmitting A Report of the Unsettled Accounts in the Offices of the Accountant of the War Department and The Paymaster of the Army, & c., in Obedience to a Resolution of the Thirtieth July last.
January 31, 1814
Referred to the committee of ways and means.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1814
R071.034 UNI CESC
United States. War Department
Number of Troops in the Last War with Great Britain.
Letter from the President of the United States, communicating Information in relation to the number of Troops engaged in the service of the United States in the late war with Great Britain.
March 4, 1858
Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
6 p.
R973.524 LET CESC
United States. War Department
[65] Report of The Secretary of War, In Obedience to the Resolution of the House of the 21st Ult. Relating to the Settlement of Claims of Several of the States, To Reimbursement of Money Expended by them, in calling out and supporting Militia, without The Sanction of the General Government.
March 12th, 1816
Read and ordered to lie upon the Table
Washington: Printed by William A. Davis, 1816
21, 3
R973.524 UNI CESC
United States. War Department
Report of The Secretary of War, To Whom was Referred, on the Seventh February, instant, The Petitions of a Company of Rangers, Commanded by Captain James Bigger, and of Daniel D. Norton.
February 17, 1820. Read, and ordered to lie on the table,
Washington: Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1820
R971.034 UNI CESC #17
Upper Canada. Adjutant General's Office.
Militia General Orders.
Broadside. 23 lines, 30.5 x 18.9 cm.
Dated: Head Quarters, Kingston, December 2d, 1814
Signed: C. Foster, Adjutant General of Militia, Upper Canada
Archives File - War of 1812 - Militia General Orders
Upper Canada. Militia.
Estimate of sums wanted from 25th Sept. to 24th Octr. 1812
4 [manuscript]
[Listing of Officers of the Lincoln Militia (and some of the Oxford Militia) including Rank, Name of Officer, Number of Days, Rate/day, rations, Pay]
Archives File - War of 1812 - Estimate of sums wanted....