Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
War of 1812 - Collection Bibliography - U
United States. Navy Department.
Letter from The Secretary of the Navy, Transmitting A Report Relating to the Better Organization of the Department of the Navy of the United States; Prepared In Compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the United States, of the 18th March, 1814
November 16, 1814. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1814
R971.034 UNI CESC #13
United States. Navy Department.
Letter from The Secretary of the Navy Transmitting The Official Account of the Capture of the British Sloop of War Epervier, by the United States' Sloop Peacock, commanded By Captain Lewis Warrington, on the Twenty-Ninth April Last.
October 10, 1814
Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1814
R973.525 UNI CESC
United States. Navy Department.
Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs, on The Resolutions of the Seventh Inst. Instructing Them "To inquire what provision should be made for the appointment of officers above the grade of captain in The navy of the United States;" and also,"to inquire what provision should be made for conferring naval rank, by brevet, in consideration of meritorious service."
November 28, 1814
Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1814
R973.525 UNI CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
Documents Accompanying The Message of the President of the United States, to the Two Houses of Congress, at the Opening of the Third Session of the Eleventh Congress.
December 5, 1810
Printed by order of the Senate United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1810
R327.73 UNI CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
In Senate of The United States.[7]
December 6, 1816
[message from the President re suspension of payments for property lost, captured & damaged during war until Congress refines its definition]
R971.034 MAD CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
Message from the President of the U. States, recommending An Immediate Declaration of War, against Great Britain June 1st, 1812
Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations June 3rd, 1812
Bill reported, declaring War against Great Britain, accompanied with a manifesto of the causes leading to that event.
Washington City: Roger C. Weightman, 1812
12 p.
R973.52 MES CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
[72] Message from the President of the United States, recommending The Passage of a Law to Exclude All Foreign Seamen from Employment in American Vessels.
February 25, 1815
Read, and referred to the committee on Foreign Relations.
Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers, 1815
R973.51 UNI CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
Message from The President of the United States, Returning The "Act to Incorporate the Subscribers to the bank of the United States of American," with Objections for not signing the same.
January 30, 1815
Printed by order of the senate of the United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1815
R332.10973 MAD CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
Message from the President of the United States, To Both Houses of Congress, at the Commencement of the Second Session of the Twelfth Congress. November 4th, 1812
Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1812
88, fold. chart. [uncut, unopened]
1st edition
R971.034 UNI CESC #14
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
Message from the President of the United States, to Both Houses of Congress, at the Commencement of the Second Session of the Thirteenth Congress.
December 7, 1813
Read and committed to the committee of the whole House on the state of the Union.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1813
2, 16
R971.034 UNI CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting A Letter from the Charge d'Affairs of the United States in London, to the British Secretary for Foreign Affairs: and A Letter from the Same to The Secretary of State, on the Subject of the Orders in Council
June 16, 1812
Ordered to lie on the table
Washington: A. & G. Way, 1812
13 p.
R973.522 MES CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
[54] Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting A Letter from the Secretary of War, Accompanied with Sundry Documents; in obedience to a Resolution of the 31st of December Last, requesting such information as May Tend to Explain the causes of the Failure of The Arms of the U. States on the Northern Frontier.
February 2, 1814
Read, and ordered to lie on the table
Washington: A. & G. Way, printers, 1814
114, 2
R973 52 UNI CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting A Report from the Acting Secretary of State, on Our Relations with the Continental Powers of Europe.
October 3, 1814
Printed by order of the senate of the United States.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman,1814
R973.522 UNI CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
[39]Message from The President of the United States, Transmitting A Report from the Secretary of State, Complying with the Resolution of The House of Representatives of the Twelfth Instant.
January 20, 1814
Ordered to lie on the table.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1814
R973.522 UNI CESC
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
[70] Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting A Report, Made In Pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 15th Inst. Requesting Information Touching the State of Relations Existing Between the United States and the Barbary Powers.
February 24, 1815
Read and ordered to be printed.
Washington: A and G Way, Printers, 1815
United States. President. James Madison: 1809-1817
[35] Message from the President of the United States, transmitting A Report of the Secretary of State, in obedience to A Resolution of the Thirteenth Inst. "Requesting the President to lay before this House such documents relative to the Russian mediation as in his opinion it may not be improper to communicate."
January 18, 1814
Ordered to lie on the table.
Washington City: Printed by Roger C. Weightman, 1814
22, 2