Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Woodhouse Collection - Listing of Volumes 1-8
Dundas Fire Department
View on King. Dundas
Civic Holiday. Dundas
August 5, 1907
Black Watch Band
Civic Holiday. Dundas
August 5, 1907
Battery from Old Quebec
Civic Holiday. Dundas
August 5, 1907
Hazel Knowles?
Civic Holiday. Dundas
August 5, 1907
Civic Holiday. Dundas
August 5, 1907
Civic Holiday. Dundas
August 5, 1907
Civic Holiday. Dundas
August 5, 1907
Civic Holiday. Dundas
August 5, 1907
Civic Holiday. Dundas
August 5, 1907
Mrs. Jim Irvine driving
W.N. Braunds sign 1902-1908
Civic Holiday, probably 1903
Col. Grafton driving. To his left Mabel Steele (Mrs. Grubbe).
Behind Col. G is Sarah Bowman (later Mrs. J.J. Grafton) and Mr. Steele.
Front carriage = Col. Knowles' carriage driven by Hazel Knowles
About 1903
Civic Holiday
left to right:
George Evesden x Matt Shephard, Bill Mart, Jack Clark x Jack Smith
Frank Nelson, Bert Carson, Frank Burton, Bob Almas
Driver - Chief Knowles, Jos Hourigan
Front - Tom Lunn
About 1903
About 1903
Relief of Mafeking
May 17, 1900
"Oom Paul Kruger" [gentleman in beard]
Impromptu Parade
Relief of Mafeking, May 17, 1900
Fred Wilkins is "Oom Paul" (Red headed Billy Douglas on the Horse)
(sleepy) Bill Cartner to the left of Oom Paul
Pete Nawn is boy at left mouth open
Snare Drummer right, Wm (Tam) Grant
Fireman John Wyatt
Fireman Arthur Wyatt, Jr.
Employees Smith-Baker Glove Factory 1903-04 on Cross Street now Smith Glove Co. Melville St.
Top, left to right:
1. Aggie Revelle; 2. Aggie Sutton; 3. Louie Henderson; 4. Marg Redpath; 5. Maud Wyatt; 6. Nettie Walker; 7. Maggie Frances; 8. Sarah Cherry; 9. Celia Reynolds
Front, left to right:
1. [Beth or Ruth?] Donald; 2. Virginia Sheppard; 3. Nellie McGinty; 4. Minnie Taylor
5. Kate Larmer; 6. May Moore (Mrs. Josh Arnold); 7. Annie Young
Centennial Parade, 1947
Centennial Parade, 1947
About 1856
R.S. Brooke and his daughter
First photographer in Dundas
Residence of R.S. Brooke, Photographer
Sydenham St. south of Park
Back row, left to right:
1. (Fuzzy) Frank McLaughlin, 2. ?, 3. Mike Carrol, 4. Abe Higgenson, 5. Johnny Watson, 6. ?, 7. Bert Maynard, 8. Bob MacKay, 9. ?, 10. ?, 11. Bookey (Sleepy) Cartner, 12. ? Clark, 13. George Higgenson, 14. Jack Kent (Barber), 15. Ernie Paupst
16. Norm Paupst, 17. Tom Roy
Top row, left to right:
1. ___, 2. ___, 3. ___, 4. ___, 5. Charlie (Squeezick) McLaughlin, 6. ___, 7. ___, 8. ___, 9. Billie Wilson?, 10. ___, 11. ___, 12. ___, 13. ___, 14. ___, 15. ___, 16. ___, 17. Jack Healey (Jack Hart)
Edwin Coleman. drowned in canal June 6, 1865
Harold Beddoe (Carr Fastener Co.)
grandson of James Coleman
Dennis Camp, Chief of Police,
Dundas. 1891-92
James Somerville.
born June 7, 1834, died May 24, 1916
1st P.M. General of Can. in Macnab-Morin Govt.
Editor of the Banner
Col. Titus Geer Simons
sincerely yours. Wm. Osler
James B. Grafton
John S. Grafton
J.H. Bowman, Chas Cowper, Mary Pirie, Alf Pirie, Chief Twiss, Wes Knowles,
Mabel Steele, Sarah Bowman (Mrs. J.J. Grafton), Jean Bertram (Mrs. Alex Pirie), Del Grafton, John Bertram
Sons of England
Saturday Oct. 16, 1943
November 11, 1918
Presentation of colours to 77th
June 18, 1898
[Dundas. 77th Reg.]
September 1873
[Dundas. 77th Reg.]
CPL Tom Hall, L/CPL Geo Lucas, Cook Philip Lockes, Capt. Wm. Ogg, HCPL H. Bertram, CPL Geo Booth, SGT R. Tapp, SGT. Geo Rowe, SGT F. Averil
September 1873
[Dundas. 77th Reg.]
June 1873. Camp. In the Cove - Dundas Park
Lt. Col. Brown of Binbrook Major H.C. Gwyn of Dundas
Adjt. Jas Walker of Ancaster Major Glasgow of Waterdown
QM Suter of Dundas (Paymaster)
Asst. Surg. Burkholder Surgeon Walker of Dundas
Dundas #1 Co. Capt. Wm. Ogg, Lt. A. Bertram, 41 NCO & men
Waterdown #2 Co. Capt. McMonies, Lt. Ryan, Ens. Bell. 48 strong
Binbrook #3 Co. Capt. Hoey, Lt. Fletcher, Ensign Aiken. 39 strong
Beverly #4 Co. Lt. Young. 45 NCO & men
Saltfleet #5 Co. Capt. Carpenter. Lt. Wilson, Ensign Carpenter 49 others
Glanford #6 Co. Capt. Bethune. Lt. Walker, Ensign Wells & 52 others
New Band 27 strong
Total 319 all ranks
left to right:
1. Charles Armes, 2. Robert Garry, 3. Bill Richardson, 4. John W. Dickson, 5. Bill Adams, 6. Dick Hyde, 7. Bill Wainwright, 8. Jim Moore
77th Regt. en route to R.R. sta.
en route to Niagara Camp about 1910
Copied from a postcard
Dave Wilson? had this old photo of the 77th
Old Maude Old Nell (First in dept.)
left to right:
Frank Nelson, Norman Lee, Rob't Karch, W. Mart, Geo. Eusden, Kit Carson, Boy is F. Eusden, Herb Cunliffe, J. Smith, Ed. Cooley, Bob Almas, Jerry Hourigan
W. Knowles, J. Lumsden
Civic Holiday, 1908
[Dundas Fire Department]
[Dundas Fire Dept.]
[Dundas Fire Dept.]
F.P. Thornton (centre front) and family
77th Reg't Band, 1899 at Niagara Camp
Back row: 1. Chas Simons, 2.___, 3. ___, 4. ___, 5. ___, 6. ___, 7. ___, 8. F.P. Thornton, B.M., 9. __ Schwartz, 10. ___, 11. Jack MacKay?, 12. F. Scott, 13. Chas Clark? or H. Clark, 14. Chub Scott, 15. John Simons
Front row: 1. Frank James, 2. ___, 3. Wm. Scott, 4. Archie Sturrock, 5. Chas. Clarke?, 6. Don Finlayson
77th Batt. Band, 1892
Back row: Cockburn, T. Heddon, A. Hewitson, C. Simon, F.P. Thornton (Bandmaster), F. Scott, W.A. Male, R. Loblay
Middle row: F. Boland, J. Simon, W. Grant,W. Clarke, A. Lindsay
Front row: C. Clarke, W. Scott, J. Wallace, J. McMicking, R. Simon, H. Clarke
Ladies Aid meeting of Play entitled " Mohawk Crossroads"
1. Mrs. martin Jerome, 2. Mrs. W.H.C. Fisher, 3. Miss Lilian Fisher, 4. Mrs. A.K. Birks, 5. Mrs. John Ford, 6. Mrs. W.F. Moore, 7. Mrs. Thos. Bradley, 8. Mrs. Ed Hanes, 9. Mrs. C.W. Bowlby, 10. Mrs. H. W. Angold, 11. Mrs. Robt. Clark, 12. Mrs. W.E. Lyons, 13. Mrs. Wm. Wendorf, 14. Mrs. James Irvine, 15. Mrs. W. A. Davidson,
16. Mrs. A. B. Caldwell, 17. Mrs. John A. Hanes, 18. Mrs. H. C. Clarke, 19. Mrs. Ed Quackenbush, 20. Mrs. Geo. Hendry
Photo taken in front of the Methodist parsonage (since demolished)
on corner of Cross & Victoria Streets, Dundas, (entrance on Cross St.)
during the term of Rev. A.K. Birks as minister. The above named
ladies were all members of the Ladies' Aid of the church with the exception
of Miss Lilian Fisher and Miss A.B. Caldwell who took part in the play.
about 1914.
Front row left to right on grass: Annie Pennington, Daisy Cowper,
Margaret Keagey, Alice Van Every (Mrs. Weld)
Second Row left to right on verandah edge: Bertha Hill, Grace Pennington,
Minnie Mullard, Fanny Marcy, Barbara Patterson, Carrie Brant,
Margaret Rycroft (Mrs. Jack Davis)
Back row left to right: Annie Dawson, Annie Addison, Florence Baker,
Emily Addison, Flora Burton (Mrs. Lester), Jessie Dawson (Mrs. Warrent)
Olive Elliott (Mrs. H. Wilkinson), Muriel Smith, Florence Sharpe
Teacher: Thos. P. Stewart.
"The Cake Walk" at the Town Hall
Annie Briggs Jack Henderson? or Clare Nunn?
Teacher (not shown) Miss W.W. Bayne
left to right
Front Row: Mary Woodhouse, Lizzie McMillan, ___, ___, Patience (Patty Church,
Eleanor McGregor, Flora Burton, Mary Bailey, Georgina Douglas
Second row: Emily Campbell, Maggie Clark, Bella McMillan, Carrie Horning,
Annie Keagey, Hattie Smith, Lottie Sweet, Bessie Brown, Rachel Allen
Third row: Willie Stonehouse, Chas. Thompson, Chas. Webster, Fred Wield
Fourth Row: Richard Ball, Frank Cronin, Fred Fisher, Walter Galloway,
Alex Ross, Chas. Spalding, James Spalding
Teacher (not shown) Peterina Somerville
Front row: ___, Willie Daikin (Deakin, Deacon), ___, Bert Fennix,
___, ___, Mack McMillan, Willie Watson, ___, Tom Millington (Frank Pearson)
Second row: Mae Lumsden, ___, Lizzie Ferguson, Mary Keagey, Mattie Fennix,
Maud Archer, Jessie Harvey, Lydia King, Jessie Woodhouse, Anna Laing
Third row: Clara Burrows, Marion Fry, Hattie Chase, John Bailey,
Lester Post. Arthur Moore, Lawson Nelson
Top row: Annie Martlin, Nellie Hunter, Clara Turnbull, ___, ___,
Davie Millington (Hattie Larery)
Dundas - 1889
Top row: 1. Chas Cottrill, 2. Mark Hugo, 3. Geo Black, 4. Herbert Chub Scott, 5. Joseph Rowe
2nd row from top: 1. Fred Turnbull, 2. Harry Dornan, 3. Donald McDonald, 4. George Harkins,
5. Tip Thompson, 6. Alex McGregor, 7. Don McIntosh, 8. Billie Bradley
3rd & 4th rows. up and down and left to right:
1. Maggie McKay, 2. Clara Greenwood, 3. Winnifred Hobson, 4. May Burton,
5. Clara King (Ethel Keyes?), 6. Birdie Moss, 7. Lena Allen, 8. Herbert Conway,
9. Maggie Mason, 10. Emma Walker, 11. Clara Thomas? 12. May Lumsden, 13. Lizzie McDoubray
Teacher Maggie McFarlane
2nd from Bottom row: 1. Rhoda Buttry (Nellie O'Connor?), 2. Merle Smith (Miss Turner?) 3. Olive Elliott (Amy Pearson), 4. Bella Sturrock, 5.Florence Bickford, 6. Lynn Greening, 7. Wilkie Spalding, 8. Mary Robertson, 9. Sarah Hulmes, 10. Rose Smith, 11. Mabel Gerry.
[Thos Muir, Willie Pearson, Mary Robinson, Kate Spalding, Martha Shaw]