Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Woodhouse Collection - Listing of Volumes 1-8
Central Portion of the City Enlarged
[City of Hamilton, Marcus Smith, 1850-1]
Red Hill on H. G. & B. Railway looking west
[Hamilton, Grimsby & Beamsville Railway]
[Hamilton. Robert Whale. Aug. 2, 1852]
about 1860
Looking North east from about Emerald St. 1895
MacNab St. & Westerly about 1885
About 1890-95. Looking westerly across the Ottawa Street Reservoir
S.E. Corner of King & James Sts.
About 1865
South side of King St., East of James.
About 1862
note gas sign - Hamilton VR = Hamilton For Ever
In 1860 where are the telephone and electric poles?
King Street East at James Street.
Note absence of any poles.
About 1862
In 1900 there are plenty of poles
About 1899
Where are the poles in 1948? Telephone, Hydro, etc.
James Street looking north from Hunter St.
About 1880
Left: Dr. Rosebrugh's house
Right: Thompson's store verandah
[James Street South]
On right: house, Harrison's Butcher Shop, McGrath's Carriage Works
and blacksmith where YMCA now
Kronsbein Block in 1912
4 to 10 Main St. E.
The first telephone exchange in the British Empire was located in #6's basement, starting July 15, 1878. It was moved to the 1st floor rear on Feb. 14, 1879, in #4 Main St. In July 1879, it was moved to the 2nd room from the front in #4
Property of Telephone Historical Collection
The Bell Telephone Company of Canada
Property of Telephone Historical Collection
The Bell Telephone Company of Canada
James Street South of King Street about 1900
Looking South on James from Gore Park
left to right: Bank of Montreal, Federal Life Bldg (now Sun Life),
Commercial Centre, Spectator Bldg., G.W. Robinson, Osborne Chambers
Hunter St. E. of James about 1880
Gardner Sewing Machine Co. later Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
1st Salvation Army Barracks.
Clintons - a colored family lived just east. had two very handsome daughters.
Powell's Greenhouses further east at Hughson.
James St. S. of King about 1862
Commercial Centre
Bank of Montreal. Main & James Sts.
King E. of John
Wesleyan Female Institute
About 1870
Bank of British North America.
Now the Hydro Building
North American Hotel
Later Wesleyan Female Institute
Later Waldorf Hotel
Now replaced by Royal Connaught
This fountain was moved in front of Ham. Gen. Hospital. Barton St.
About 1880
King St. E. looking west from W of John St.
Note: Wood block pavement
Hamilton Provident & Loan Bldg.
About 1900
King St. looking west from John St. about 1875
Hamilton Provident & Loan Bldg. Canadian Bank of Commerce.
Canada Life Bldg.
About 1875
[top left:] Site of 1st - Federal Bank, 2nd - Molson's Bank, 3rd Bank of Hamilton,
4th - Canadian Bank of Commerce
Looking west toward King & James St.
Gore Park from roof of Ham. Prov. & Loan Bldg.
About 1875
King St., north side, west of John, looking west
King St., south side, east of John
Now Royal Connaught
about 1875
About 1892
McInnes Bldg. 1879
Today's Post Office corner
McInnes Fire. Aug. 1, 1879
McInnes Bldg. (SW corner King & John Sts)
Burned Aug. 1, 1879
McInnes Bldg. 1879
King St., south side, west of John.
[left] Ruins of McInnes Bldg. After the fire
Now the Post office site
S.E. corner, King & James Sts. 1900
[right:] bicycle stepping stone
Sir John A. Macdonald Monument
Wanzer Factory, Waldorf
John St., east side, south of King
Now Royal Connaught
Long & Bisby Wool Warehouse
S.E. Corner Main & John Sts.
[left: Main St., right: John St.]
1898. U.G. Pole on Hughson, just N. of Main St. 6-40 wire cables & 1-10 pin arms each carrying 20 wires, 10 on pins & 10 on knobs under the arms
About 1898
The Delta, looking west. 1920
Vinegar works on Stuart St.
Just east of the Custom House.