Barton Branch Accessible Washroom Out of Order
The accessible washroom at the Barton Branch is not working . We aim to get it fixed quickly. |
Central Library - 4th Floor Closure
The 4th Floor is closed this Saturday, March 8 for a Tax Preparation Clinic. Makerspace and Newcomer Learning Centre will remain open. Study spaces are available on Floors 1-3.
Spring Forward - Sunday, March 9
Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 9 at 2 am. Move your clocks one hour ahead before you head to bed. It's also a good time to check and/or replace the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
Turner Park Branch - Large Format Printer Unavailable
The large format printer at Turner Park is currently unavailable. Please utilize our other Makerspace locations if needed. We will advise once it is restored to service.
Roadwork near Barton Branch
Starting Monday March 17, the City of Hamilton begins roadwork on Wilson Street and Sherman Avenue. The construction will be completed in stages until December 2025. There may be traffic delays if you are planning to visit the Barton Branch.
Woodhouse Collection - Listing of Volumes 1-8
[George Rolph property marker York Rd. at south boundary of Grove Cemetery]
Richard Hatt boundary monument
At mountain verge s. of Bullock's Cors.
RH No. 4 is in Pratt Whitney property
Another was on Ham. Hill
Miss Ridler's School
Hatt St.
Ellen Osler Home
Binkley's Hollow about 1904
[Lesslie & Sons tokens]
Looking across Canal turning basin
after spring flood
Mr. Woods on Macnab St.
His uncle Hans hauled up hill
1st w of Market on N. side. Stucco
Sydenham Road
Sydenham Road
Ancaster Mtn.
Probably 1910
Sydenham Road
above the CNR
Sydenham Road
above the CNR
First Bandmaster in Dundas
Swimming exhibition of
man with no legs
Baptist Association Grand River North Assembly
in Paris June 16, 1865 Composed of Elders
Deacons and Delegates
2. Rev. J. Winterbotham
4. Rev. Dr. Caldecott, Haldimand Ass'n
5. Rev. W.A. Caldwell, American Bible Union
7. Rev. J. Gerrie
16. Rev. Thos. Henderson, Paris
17. Rev. J.M. Bates
18. Rev. T Baldwin
22. Rev. Dr. Thos L. Davidson, St. George
23. Rev. Wm. Stewart B.A., Brantford
26. Rev. W. Forsyth, Puslinch
31. Rev. John Bates, Dundas
43. Rev. G.N. Dougherty
44. Rev. Fred Ratcliff, Wingham
52. Rev. Hoyes Lloyd, M.A. Haldimand Assn. Editor Canadian Baptist
Others not identified:
Rev. D. Mulhern, Wellesley; Rev. Geo. Grafftey, Guelph; Rev. J.E. Vining, Simcoe;
Rev. Elijah Chesney, Westover; Rev. C. Northrup, Seaforth; Rev. H. Fitch, Western Assn;
Rev. Jas. Mackie, Grd River Assn; Rev. W. Henry Jones, AM, Grd River Assn;
Rev. W.C. Beardsall, Grd River Assn; Rev. A. Slaght, Grd River Assn; Rev. John Cameron, Niagara Assn; Rev. E. Ashton, formerly of Perth; Rev. E. Clarke, American & Foreign Bible Socy;
Rev. J. Torrance; Rev. Benjamin Freeman, St. Mary's; Rev. R.B. Montgomery; Rev. G. Patton;
Rev. Hugh Reid, Erin; Rev. E. Greutzner; Rev. C. Bodenbender, Berlin; Deacon Chittenden;
Deacon R. Baker; Deacon Jas. B. Kitchen; Deacon H. Buchan; Bro. J.P. Sutton; Bro. E. Benedict;
Bro. D.W. Crandall, Middlesex & Elgin Assn; Bro. Olmstead; Bro. Dennis; Bro. Morgan L. Smith,
Tabernacle Church, N.Y. City
Photographic View of the Aged, who attended the Grand Festival given by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wood,
at their residence, "Mansion Hill," Beverly, on the 24th day of September, A.D. 1867
1. Dr. E. Stimpson, aged 75; 2. Mrs. E. Stimpson, aged 62; 3. James Cassiday, aged 77;4. Mrs. J. Cassiday, aged 69; 5. Mrs. I. Dowd, aged 70; 6. Ira Dowd, aged 77;7. Margaret Horning, aged 69; 8. Elizabeth Cornell, aged 72; 9. Phebe Cope, aged 76;10. Adam Martin, aged 65; 11. Stephen Nisbet, aged 67; 12. Catharine Blasdell, aged 59;13. Elizabeth Decker, aged 62; 14. Catherine Cornell, aged 67; 15. William Griffin, aged 70;16. Charles Cumming, aged 14; 17. John Clark, aged 77; 18. Isabella Haines, aged 69; 19. Richard Decker, aged 88; 20. Garret Howell, aged 79; 21.Mrs. G. Howell, aged 70; 22. Mary Smith, aged 63; 23. Mary Robinson, aged 75; 24. Margaret Cumming, aged 65; 25. Isabella Nisbet, aged 59; 26. Sarah Sagar, aged 63; 27. Mary Mizener, aged 71; 28. Sarah Griffin, aged 72; 29. Martha Sutton, aged 80; 30. Peter Horning, aged 74; 31. Robert Echlin, aged 50; 32. Adam Mizener, aged 69; 33. Mrs. A. Mizener, aged 67; 34. Mary Able, aged 73; 35. Charity Lawrason, aged 60; 36. Ellen C. Wood, aged 12; 37. Mrs. P. Wood, aged 27; 38. Charlotte Wood, aged 73; 39. Mrs. D. Cope, aged 63; 40. David Cope, aged 64; 41. Doratha Howell, aged 74; 42. George Haines, aged 70; 43. Harriet Clark, aged 67; 44. Bishop P. Smith, D.D., aged 71; 45. Elizabeth Wilson, aged 76; 46. Sarah Smith, aged 65; 47. Elizabeth Martin, aged 70; 48. Mary Howell, aged 65
The white cap worn by the women was called a mutch
Margaret Horning was the widow of Peter Horning
Lillian E. Fisher, great grand-daughter of Peter Wood
Photo by Mr. Paltridge of Galt
[Simcoe Monument, Dundas]
Simcoe Monument at Dundas showing
plate with inscription
Tiffany's Falls
Tunis' Falls
The old order changeth and giveth place to new
The Squeeze
West Flamborough
S.S. #5
Rock Chapel Church. built 1822
Cummin's Chapel, or Rock Chapel Church, said to have
been built 1822 but I doubt that this is the original
Yes. It was. TRW
[The Red Mill]
Ancaster Township Hall
Ancaster Stage
Dan Morrison, driver
In front of Donovan's Hotel, later Amber Glow Hotel
Dr. G.D. Farmer, owner & driver
A Pope car, 1902
2nd car in Wentworth (J.R. Moody had 1st)
First car in Ancaster township
Sulphur Springs Spa
John Aikman Jr. built a log grist mill here in 1820's
Replaced by a 2 story stone mill 1840
Alexander Chapman rebuilt it to 3 1/2 stories in 1864.
Cold Springs Grist Mill about 1897
Glenwood church, burned about 1908 or 9
Glenwood School
Bullock's Corners. About 1897
Looking south west
Centre left: Mrs. Frederick's Hotel
Centre right: Bullock's Hotel
Bullock's Hotel.
Arnold Walker & George Hore
William Bullock Sr's British American Hotel
Kernighan, the khan, mother & father
Probably 1910
The Wigwam, Rockton
Rob't Kernighan, the Khan
Probably 1910
Valens Steam Saw Mill, 1885
Burned April 19, 1890
Sawmill of John Alexander Valens (lot 24, 25g) and
E. William Robson (lot 23/g Bev.)
son of Wm. and Jane (Valens) dau. of John Sr.
Photographed about 1885
Burned April 19, 1890
The first (water wrought) saw mill on this site
was built 1850 by John Valens Sr.