Woodhouse Collection - Listing of Volumes 1-8


Bullock's Corners



Bullock's Corners


Wes Green's W. Flamborough



Hamilton, Dundas, Strabane stage at Bullock's Corners



left to right: William Bullock (1831-1912) and wife (Sally Kievell)

Joseph Bullock and wife (Elizabeth Duffield)

Joseph moved to St. John, N.B.



Joseph & Mrs. Bullock (Elizabeth Duffield)

and their home just east of Clark's Blanket Factory, Bullock's Corners



Devan's Toll Gate #1. D & W Road

mountain verge south of Bullock's Corners

About 1870. Paddy Devan's Toll Gate from a painting

It stood at the turn of the Galt Highway above the

C.N.R. Station, or at the mountain brow.

Toll Gate #1 on the Dundas-Waterloo Road, built about

1832 by the Dundas & Waterloo Turnpike Co. incorporated

1829, Capital 25,000 pounds - the first toll road in Ontario



Winnie Rowland and Evelyn Hore

at horse trough - west of C.N.R. Station



Red Lion Hotel - 1894

Probably built 1842 or earlier

Burned 1871. Rebuilt 1872

Thos P. Freeman painted the Red Lion sign that hung in front for years

Gauntley's Barber Shop 1892-96

Weaver's Tavern...Mosey Weaver...1842-54

Red Lion Hotel...Wm Fitzgerald...1861-64

Red Lion Hotel...James Porter...1864-66

Red Lion Hotel...Chas Moss...1866-71 burned

Red Lion Hotel...David Patterson...1868

Red Lion...R.N. Nixon...1872 rebuilt

Red Lion...Ike H. Anderson...1873-74

Red Lion...Henry Goold...1874-87

Red Lion...H.H. Smith...1882

Red Lion...Mr. White...1883-84

Queens Hotel...Mr. Gibson...1884

Queens Hotel...Smith & Gibson...1884-85

Queens Hotel...D. Daniels...1888

Red Lion Hotel...W. Sullivan...1891

Red Lion Hotel...Mrs. Green...1893

Red Lion Hotel...W.H. Mills...1898-99

Red Lion Hotel...W.A. Bradd...1899-1900

Osborne Hotel(after 1902)...R. Griffith...1900-1904

Osborne Hotel...Wm Harrison...1904

Osborne Hotel...H.D. Merrifield...1905

Osborne...Jas McArdle...1905-1911

Osborne...Rich'd Morley...1911-1917

Osborne...Wm Lee...1917

Wentworth Inn...Brennan Bros...1921-



About 1930

King Street Mountain



Dundas High School cornerstone well & truly laid



About 1923

King St. looking east from hill in front of CNR station

Jacob Shannons Beverly Hotel 1873-75 on right beyond bridge

Gore Mills later Fishers Paper Mill on left



About 1900

Looking east on King Street from the CNR station site




The Blue Stone Church

built 1846

Occupied by J.W. Cockburn 1909-1918

Blue Stone Church built 1846, note date above door

now, 1960, Can. Legion Hall, 280 King St. W.



About 1905

The Armoury

Burned May 1/34



About 1905

1st drill shed built 1868. Fell down. Rebuilt /68. Replaced /74

Frame drill shed at back built 1874

Brick front built. started 1-11-1900 opened 24/5/1904

All burned May 1/34



About 1905

The Armoury

Burned May 1/34



About 1920

N.W. corner King & Church Streets



[Public Utilities]




King east of Church St. before pole removal




King east of Church St. after pole removal




King east of Albert after pole removal



[Post office]




Post office just prior to completion




King east of McMurray before pole removal




On King St. opposite Foundry St. was James Coleman's store

left to right: 1. ---; 2. Charlie Boyle; 3. Joe Boyle (son of Chas); 4. ---, 5. Tam (Tom) Grant; 6. (stranger in town); 7. John S. Fry (editor); 8. ---; 9. Jack Arthurs; 10. Norman Paupst



Laying cornerstone of Melbourne Hotel 89 King St. W. 1899

Dundas News June 9/99 "The Melbourne to be erected on King opp P.O.

50' high, 70' front, 74' deep

Wm. Lawson laid it. J. Bowman says Townsend the builder laid it



About 1900

Melbourne Hotel



1910. moving Kappheim's store to 174 & 176 King St. W.

This bldg was erected in 1847-48 by James Reid as a store and dwelling house

1910 building being moved was John Kappheim's Shoe Store now 174 & 176 King St. W.

Brownlee & Chapman in #174 (in 1946) Orange Hall upstairs



[Music Hall]



Elgin House in 1885. Built 1837

About 1885

Right: C.A. McCardel - boots & shoes 1882-85+

next: Chas Sturrock - coal and wood 1884-1909

next: Professor Harley - barber

next: Elgin House - Hotel 1837-1887



B.T. Co. Dundas Office in Elgin House, 1895



92-96 King St. West about 1868

Note boy sitting on town pump

to right: Elgin House



85 King St. W. A doctor's office since 1832

John Willison - 1832; Jas Mitchell - 1836; Jas McMahon - 1854;

D.G. Inksetter - 1880; Jas Ross - 1883; L.C. Lauchland - 1907;

C.L. Bates - 1935; To Museum 1975



[Bank of Hamilton]



When Memorial was in Memorial Square

Unveiled Dec. 11, 1921



Walnut trees - Victoria Street



1904. The Hose Wagon in full galop.

Driver - Chief Knowles

Passenger - Chief Twiss

horse named Nellie = first to be owned by Dept.

"Nellie" 1904. 1st horse owned by Dundas Fire Dept.



Memorial Square Fountain - it served humans, horses & dogs

front, left to right: Harry Surerus, Thos. Mountain, W.A. Davidson,

Committee Chairman



Fountain Committee: Harry Surerus, W.A. Davidson, Tommy Mountain






North west corner King & Sydenham Sts. Cain & Lantz

left store: Wm Shell then Geo. R. Davidson

Right store: Spy Hopkins drug, Geo. R. Davidson,

Cain & Lantz - Andy Cain standing in door



Cosgriff Block 1876

Post office in the corner

Barney Cantwell had store where Cosgriff is in this picture



Cowper Block in 1896. Old Fire Hall on the right

left to right: Nellie Ross in window, Alex Ross in door,

Chas Cowper, Harry Talbot, Rollie Cowper



about 1856 by R.S. Brooke 1856-87

1. House at right was Mrs. Parmenter's boarding house, then in 1854+, John Fisher's home; 2 from right, John Fisher's tin, sheet iron, stove shop 1848-67; 3 from right Henry G. Habbin, Boots & Shoes, 1849-56; 4 from right, setting back from sidewalk, with small mortar and pestle on post at curb, John M. Thornton Druggist 1854-58. Later A.S. Thornton 1858. Later Thornton & Fisher 1858-67. Later John A Fisher 1867. Later W.C. Niblett 1867-92. Thos C. Comport 1892-1902. W.N. Braund 1902-18. W.H. Cummins 1909-10.Miller's Lane was next, with gas light at curb. Gas Co. 1855; 5 from right. The Chequered Store, Wm Irving 1856-60; 6 from right J.S. Meredith, Hardware 1853-66; 7 from right - low bldg Jas E. Dixon 1847-55; 8 from right (Still stands - Picone in 1948), shuttered windows, Smith, Snow & Co. 1855-59. In east half G. Finlayson, baker & confectioner 1856-61; 9 from right - sits back - home of Ezra S. Thomas; 10 from right Geo. J. Britt. Dundas Baker. was G & R Duggan, Tailors 1847-54; 11 from right in 1854 was Mrs. Magill; 12 from right - cor Ogilvie - Matthew Camp - blacksmith 1831-64; 13 from right Gregson & Grafton 1853-58 (3 storey brick) Dry Goods; 14 from right Andrew Graham 1848-74 Grocer. 1 1/2 storey building. Also John Quarry harness 1834-81; 15 from right 3 storey Hugh Moore - grocer - 1838-82; 16 from right (now Powells) James Coleman 1833-71 (3 storey)





J. Moss & Son. William A






[Red Lion Hotel]



Osborne House. formerly Red Lion Hotel

so called from 1902-1922+



Kate Swanson's home. on the site of the Majestic Theatre

was a brick house sheathed with frame was moved to just

west of rink on Park St.





In door = Bill Deuxberry

to right: Nirie Reid (?)



Looking west on King St. Dundas, Ont.

probably 1905

W.H. Bates 1907-45



North side of King St.

Probably about 1888 after 1886 fire

Thos. Seaman 1879-1885+; P & R. Laing 1869-1947;

T.H.A. Begue in white hat. T.H.A.B. born #5 King St. E.

Jim Chegwin




Cravens 1922-31

Majestic 1931-47

B.T. Co. poles removed 1930



Probably 1930

B.T. Co. poles removed 1930



Probably 1910

Library built 1909







Dry Goods. In 1858 men and Women shoppers were

separated in Graftons



Grafton's. Dundas. 1882

left to right: 1. W. More; 2.---; 3. T.W. Barry; 4. R. John McLellan; 5. W.A. Davidson; 6. Robinson Pirie; 7. ---; 8. ---; 9. ---; 10. Jas Manson; 11.---

the other men are Philip Rossgair, Jerry Duggan, Ed. Farrell, Ronald McDonald

(unknown which is which)



T.H. McKenzie's Hardware and Grocery Stores

King Street, Dundas



[J.B. & J.S. Grafton]





Probably 1929



Probably 1930



[Grafton & Co.]






King St. looking west. Dundas

About 1895

G.C. Wilson 1893-1910

J.M. Knowles 1891-1916