Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Woodhouse Collection - Listing of Volumes 1-8
Drawn from nature on stone by J.C. 1848
[National Archives]
Dundas in 1853
probably 1863
Dundas Cotton Mills 1860-1894. Enlarged 1864
Wentworth Woolen Works 1851-60. Burned 18/2/60
Dundas Woolen Works 1859-63. G.M. Barton, owner
Elgin Mills 1847-51. B. MacNab, Prop.
Dundas Woolen Factory same as Elgin Mills, John Patterson, owner
Addition to Bertrams May 1866
Town Hall 1848
Merchant's Exchange 1851
St. James Church 1843
Duncan McMillan, photographer 1868-87+
Hay Scale Square - Town Hall, Dundas
Commercial Bank of Midland District, later Bank of British North America
#8 Hatt Street. About 1868
Built 1832 by James Belle Ewart. Used by him as the Commercial Bank, then the Bank of B.N.A. Also as a Post Office. Miss Wilson had a private school here about 1889-1891. It was started by Mrs. Chas. Gwyn for her daughter's benefit. Pupils = Mrs. J. Keagey, the Dicksons of Foxbar, mabel and Bertha Steele, Hope Homestead, Florence Bertram
Dundas, 1870
Dundas, 1910
[Dundas - aerial shot]
Bottom right: Screw factory
About 1887?
Certainly after 1886 (land slide)
The Screw Factory, Ogilvie St.
from the Town Hall tower
McK & Bertram factory burned May 26/65
rebuilt with rough cast 60 x 40
May 1866 added large 2 storey brick addn.
July 1867 added moulding shop
June 1869 added wareroom and pattern shop
St. James built 1843
Miss Ridler's School 1849-1903
next house east is Miss McMahon's School
H & D Ry built 1879
This photo is between 1866 and 79 I think
Probably 1868 because Duncan McMillan photographer 1868-1887
Grafton's Office
Public School, 1858
left to right: 1. Miss Sweeney, Girl's Teacher; 2. Sam Horner, Principal; 3. Miss J. Munroe; 4. Jas. Lumsden, ASST HI SCH; 5.---; 6.---; 7. Oliver Hobson, Caretaker; 8. ---; 9. John King, Principal, High School
Wesleyan Young Men's Institute
later House of Providence
This right section was originally the
home of Jas. Coleman
In front of House of Providence
Grave of Rev. John McNulty whose
savings bought this property
H/P Picnic 1895
[House of Providence]
Woods & Edwards Pad Factory near Jones Bros.
Destroyed by fire. Mr. Rutherford was manager
left to right: Front row: 1. Ernest Sourbier; 2. R.P. Manning; 3. Chas Southey, in doorway; 4. Frank Chosie; 5. Fred Hardy; 6. Frank Hanes; 7. Ernest Ball; 8. Jas Manning; On Waggon: 1. Wm. Payne; 2. Geo Taylor; 3. Rutherford I; 4. Rutherford II; 5. ---; Tommy Rutherford in front
W.W. Scott says: "I worked here for $1 per week. They owed $125. paid WWS $100 plus a bale of ticking (500 lbs.)
Pad Factory now Jones Bros.
George Rolph
George Rolph's log cabin at rear of 43 Cross St 1877
Now in the Driving Park. Mrs. Barnwell at door
May Burton (Mrs. George, 112 Melville) thinks that this picture was taken 1877 and that it is her mother in the doorway with May and her sister peeking out. Her father lived there until about 1887. Before him was Grandpa Barnwell, J.P. Kitty O'Neil last to live there.
Telephone set purchased and with a similar set installed by Alexander Graham Bell personally in Sept. or Oct. 1877 for R.F. Couper Co., Dundas
Property of Telephone Museum & Historical Collection, The Bell Telephone Company of Canada
Oakbrae in 1889 - then home of the McFarlanes
In 1947 home of James A. Dickson
Probably 1870
Photo by R.S. Brooke, 1856-1887
St. James Church & School House, Dundas
Revd. F.L. Osler, M.A. Rector
W. Kern Esq T. Hatt, Esq. S. Overfield, Esq. Churchwardens 1858 1859
The tower and spire of the church having been completed by the exertions and industry of the Ladies of the congregation.
H. Gregory, Lith.
Isolation Hospital, Dundas, 1912
N.E. corner of Sydenham and Melville
built by John F. Wood for himself
then J.S. Grafton bought it
then rented by ___ Moffat, Mgr. B'k of Commerce
then bought by Matt S. Wilson
then bought by Stewart Phelps
The Dundas Steam Cabinet Factory of John Cowper 1847-70 & R.F. Cowper 1870-82
J. F. Burton 1882-93. Felt Shoe Co. 1883. Etherington 1891-92
Cliff & sons (Dom. Lightning Rod Co.) 1897-1920
[Riley House]
[Riley House]
Osler Memorial House
Mrs. Wm H Austen 1953
nee Ann Jane Warren
Ann Jane Warren, 1877, Dundas
1876 - McMillan photo - exhibited at Toronto Exhibition of Ann Jane Warren, aged 18, of Dundas, daughter of John Warren, millwright at Fisher's Paper Mill. She later married Wm. H Austen in 1882. In 1950 she was living in Hamilton, aged 92.
The Lesslie Home
Wm. Lyon Mackenzie lived here
[Dundas Town Hall]
Town Hall, Dundas
The Cotton Mill boarding house (French people)
Isolation Hospital Scarlet Fever, 1908
SE corner Main and Dundas Streets
Bottom part built about 1836 as a home for Benjamin Overfield who owned much of this, the public square; and who, with his bother Sam gave the Town Hall site to the Town, 1848. The upper half, note the difference in the brick laying was probably added by the Dundas Cotton Co. about 1879 when they brought 60 families from England, and used this building as a boarding house for them. In 1904-14 it was used by the Town as an isolation hospital for scarlet fever patients.
In Nov. 1938 it was torn down.
[Dundas Tabernacle]
Wentworth Mills on right.
Flouring and Gristing. 1833-58.
Built and owned by Robert Holt.
1847-48 Wm Dewston lessee
1861 J. H. Ellis and D. Woodlams
1862-63 John McIntosh
1863-92 John Wilson bought
Burned down about 1892
Wentworth Brewery
1836-63 Robert Holt and Henry Gray
burned Nov. 22/63
1863-66 Wilson Bros rebuilt ruins
1866 John Dickie
1867 Thornton & Co.
1875-80 M. Wright & Co.
about 1880 George Proctor
Richard Hatt's Red Mill, Ancaster
built 1798 by Richard Hatt
Farquhar's Lime Kiln
Doolittle & Wilcox Stone Co.
built 1905
Doolittle & Wilcox Stone Co.
Canada Crushed Stone
Fire April 29, 1922
Re-opened June 27 (8 weeks later)
Canada Crushed Stone