There is nothing to display at this time
Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Affected Branch:
Publish Date:
Friday, March 28, 2025 - 12:15pm
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Publish Date:
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 8:00am
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Affected Branch:
Publish Date:
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 11:00am
Roll of Honour - World War II
Baird, E.W.
Baird, J.R.
Baisley, Reginald Stanley
Baker, Earle Edw.
Baker, Peter Joseph
Baldwin, John Moody
Bale, Melvelle
Balfour, Andrew G.
Balinson, Alexander
Ball, J.A. Ball, Melvin
Ballard, R.G.
Bannatyne, James
Baran, Michael
Barber, Arthur O.
Barber, Wesley D.
Barefoot, Gordon Wm.
Barlow, Willard R.
Barnes, Fred. A.
Barnhardt, Carmen F.
Barnsley, Leonard
Barr, Alexander
Barr, Chas. Wm.
Bartkiewicz, Francis Paul
Baskett, R.J.
Bassett, Earl Wm.
Batters, F.R.
Bawtinheimer, Earl Gordon
Beacham, Harry Cecil
Beale, Harold Frid
Beales, Fred
Beanland, Chas. Alec
Beare, Donald Syl.
Bearss, Glen Lewis
Beasley, Henry Percy
Beattie, Geo. Wm.
Beaulieu, Jos. M.
Beers, L.E.
Bell, Alex. M. James
Bell, George Armstrong
Bell, Herbert Edgar
Bell, Llewellyn C.
Bell, Wilfred S.
Belleau, G.T.
Bendig, Herman H.
Bennett, Wm. Joseph
Bennetto, Murray A.
Bergeron, R.
Bernard, Emile
Berry, Francis Wm.
Berry, Lloyd Jos.
Berryman, Jack Gardner
Berryman, John Richard
Berryman, Stuart
Berthiaume, Bernard
Bibby, Wilfred James
Bigcanoe, T.B.
Bird, James S.
Birks, Wm. S. A.
Bisset, A.W.
Bisson, L.J.
Black, Gordon Ronald
Blackham, John Patrick
Blackwell, Frank Jos.
Blair, John
Blake, Wm. Vincent
Bleeman, M.I.
Blond, W.E.
Blunt, Leslie
Boccaccio, Samuel
Bodell, Edwin John
Bohnert, Leo
Bolen, Clarence
Bolton, Vernon Harry
Bolton, Walter
Bond, Carl
Bond, Howard
Bonford, A.J.
Bonnallie, D.A.
Book, Clarence
Bostwick, J.M.
Boudreau, H.A.
Boudreau, R.F.
Boulet, J.
Boulton, D.G.S.
Boutillier, D.A.H.
Bowery, Richard Charles W.
Bowler, James Edwin
Bowman, Albert E.
Bowman, Alexander William
Bowman, E.A.
Bowslaugh, Wilbur E.
Boyce, Nelson Thomas
Boyd, Howard
Boyd, Milton
Bradley, Chas. Raymond
Bradley, E.A.
Bradley, James Norman
Bradshaw, Herbert
Bradt, Harold Leroy
Brant, Clifford Lloyd
Brant, Elmer Jos.
Breckon, Jos. Paul
Brennan, Frederick Vincent
Brennan, K.P.
Brennan, Lawrence William
Brennan, R.N.
Brennan, Ralph B.
Brezino, J.
Brogan, B.J.
Broker, Alfred
Bromley, G.G.
Brooks, Harry Ross
Broome, William Harold
Brown, David Cornfoot
Brown, Douglas Harold
Brown, Geo. Rawson
Brown, George Dunlop
Brown, H.
Brown, James Alexander
Brown, John B.
Brown, Wm. Sydney
Brown, Z.
Browne, Reginald Ernest
Browning, W.G.
Brownscombe, Morley C.
Brubaker, R.D.
Bruce, Hobart
Bruce, R.
Bruce, Robert Henry
Bruce, Walter (Mickey)
Bryant, Harry Douglas
Buchanan, Borden L.
Budgen, J.E.C.
Budreau, M.E.
Buhlman, Albert Joseph
Bull, Clifford Frank, DFC
Bull, Douglas Maxwell
Bulley, Richard L.
Burd, R.A.
Burden, J.K.
Burdis, John George
Burke, David Warnock
Burnell, Douglas A.
Burns, William Sterling
Burnside, R.T.
Burrill, Wilbert Isaac
Burton, A.W. Busby, J.R.
Bussereau, Victor R.
Bussiere, A.J.
Bussineau, G.M.
Buszowski, Walter W.
Butland, Frederick D.
Butler, Arthur H.
Butler, Edgar D.
Butler, L.J.
Butler, R.C.
Byford, C.W.
Byford, Wm. Ralph