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Publish Date:
Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 2:15pm
Library Services Update
HPL is recovering from the City of Hamilton's cybersecurity-related incident, which began Sunday February 25 and continues today. Learn more.
- Public computers are available at all branches. JAWS (Job Access With Speech) computers are not available.
- Printing is available at all branches.
- Photocopying and scanning is available at all branches except at Westdale & Concession.
- Public Wi-Fi is available at all branches.
- Makerspace services are available at select locations.
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Publish Date:
Thursday, December 19, 2024 - 5:45pm
Roll of Honour - World War II
Wade, Frederick Chas.
Wagar, Albert Victor
Wagner, Bruce Howard
Waldron, Norris Alton
Walker, John Wm.
Walker, LeClare A.
Walker, Roy Edw. P.
Walker, Wm. Arthur
Walker, Wm. Young
Walsh, Philip J.
Walters, Edward R.
Walton, William Douglas
Ward, Harvey Albert
Warnholz, J.A.
Warnick, Arthur R.
Warnick, Eugene Edw.
Warwick, Murray A.
Wates, John L.G.
Watson, Edward Roland
Watson, Frederick C.
Watson, James Andrew
Watson, John Kaye
Watt, R.N.
Watts, Rae McGee
Waugh, Peter A.
Weatherall, Fraser Chas.
Weaver, Frank H.
Weaver, Tom Fleetwood
Webb, Gerald
Webb, Herbert
Weech, A.R.
Wegenast, Wm. Alex.
Weidmark, E.H.
Weir, Martin
Wellar, L.D.
Weller, Ronald Duncan
West, Francis
Wheeler, James R.
Wheeler, Lewis Morley
White, Allan
White, E.C.
White, J.
White, M.G.
White, W.A.
White, W.H.
Whitelaw, Douglas C.
Whitlaw, James
Whitney, Albert Thos.
Whitty, J.W.
Whitty, W.H.
Whorwood, Leonard Jos.
Whyte, Sidney J.C.
Wightman, Ralph Harlan
Wigle, Frederick Ernest
Wiles, K.W.
Wiley, Ancel Grant
Wilkinson, Horace Edw.
Wilkinson, Stanley
Willets, G.W.
Willett, Frank H.
Williams, Douglas
Williams, James Williams
Williams, R.H.
Williamson, Donald
Williamson, Jack
Willoughby, James B.A.
Wilson, Ernest Victor
Wilson, F.F.
Wilson, James Ivan
Wilson, Leroy Stewart
Wilson, Wm.
Wilson, Wm. Shelton
Windecker, N.E.
Windsor, Frank Louis
Wingate, William
Wishart, Robt.
Withnell, Robt. Edw.
Witty, J.W.
Wolkowski, Anthony
Wood, G.L.
Wood, Thomas Hunter
Woodey, Clifford R.
Woodward, Frederick
Wooley, Hector Albert
Worsley, Clifford Briggs
Worthington, Wm. Donald
Wray, William Geo.
Wright, Alfred
Wright, Douglas Rudolph
Wright, George Joseph
Wright, Ian Hamilton
Wright, James M.
Wright, Roy Robt.
Wright, Thos. John
Wristen, Gordon L.
Wyckoff, C. Beverley
Wynn, Alexander