HPL Catalogue - Scheduled Maintenance
Due to scheduled maintenance, HPL's Library catalogue will be not available from 8am to 10am on Sunday, January 26, 2025. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Publish Date:
Monday, January 20, 2025 - 1:15pm
Terryberry Accessible Washroom on the 1st Floor - Out of Order
The accessible washroom on the 1st floor of Terryberry library is unavailable.
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Publish Date:
Friday, January 17, 2025 - 12:30pm
Phishing Scheme
Please be aware of online phishing attempts impersonating Hamilton Public Library and Library Staff. HPL does not solicit paid freelance opportunities through social media or other messaging applications. HPL does not request personal or banking information through social media or require financial compensation when reviewing job applications. Please report phishing schemes to communications@hpl.ca. If you think you are a victim of fraud, please call the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.
Publish Date:
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 5:30pm
Roll of Honour - World War II
Mabee, Franklin Thos.
MacArtney, James Edw.
MacCallum, G.A.
MacDonald, Adam Joseph
MacDonald, Alex. Rennie
MacDonald, Chas. William
MacDonald, D.J.C.
Macdonald, John Angus
MacDonald, Wm. Arthur
MacDougall, Leo
Mace, Leonard Arthur
Maceyunas, Z.
MacFarlane, Duncan A.
MacIsaac, Alexander Donald
MacIver, Donald
MacIver, W.A.
Mack, G.E.
Mack, Michael W.
MacKay, George Ian
MacKenzie, Hugh Fraser
MacKeracher, Donald D.
Mackie, Wm. James
MacLachlan, Lauchlan John
MacLean, James D.
MacLean, William Alexander
MacLellan, John Neil
MacLennan, Colin Robinson
MacLeod, E.
MacLeod, J.T.
MacLeod, Norman K.
MacLoghlin, Edward Gregg.
MacMaster, Donald
MacPherson, Alex D.
MacRae, Jamie Duncan
Madaire, Wilfred Edward
Madden, J.H.
Maeder, Paul A.C.
Magdziasz, Joseph
Magee, Gerald
Magner, Paul L.
Magnussen, Elmer
Magrath, Douglas A.
Male, John F.
Maloney, Jos. Edw.
Maloney, W.F.P.
Mann, Victor
Manto, Harold Martin
Manton, Robert George
Mara, J.J.
Margeson, W.S.
Marlatt, Muir
Marlow, Arthur Herb. L.
Marquis, Robt. Oliver
Marr, Gordon
Marr, Lorne Andrew
Marsden, Kenneth R.
Marshall, John N.
Marston, Edward Albert
Martin, Albert Edw.
Martin, Arthur Joseph
Martin, Clifford MacKenzie
Martin, Franklyn
Martin, Geo.
Martin, Harold Stuart
Martin, Ivan Harold
Martin, J.
Martin, Lloyd
Martin, Richard Chas.
Martin, T.
Marziarz, Joseph
Mason, Chas. Richard
Massey, Robt. A.
Massicotte, A.
Matchett, Geo. Elwood
Matthews, George Frederick
Maude, Frederick
May, Geo. Alfred
McAllister, Earl Henry
McAndrew, Henry F.
McAteer, J.H.
McBride, Clarence W.
McCallum, Robt.
McCann, T.F.
McCann, William Daniel
McCarroll, Charles K.
McCarroll, Thos. Geo.
McCarthy, S.R.
McCartney, G.D.E.
McCaul, W.A.
McCay, G.G.
McChesney, Geo. Arthur
McClintock, Patrick Michael
McClughon, A.M.
McClung, Vernon F.
McComb, Roy Ernest
McComble, J.S.
McConachie, Roy Jas.
McConnell, Andrew J.
McConville, L.A.
McCormich, G.A.
McCormich, James Russell
McCourt, Hugh F.
McCowell, Leo D.
McCracken, Maxwell Joseph
McCrae, M.P.
McCrae, S.B.
McCulley, Robt.
McCulloch, Gordon S.
McCulloch, William James
McCutcheon, Hugh John
McDermott, Geo. Alfred
McDonald, Alexander Robert
McDonald, Francis Geo.
McDonald, John Swan
McDonald, Richard
McElheran, John A.
McElroy, George Joseph
McEwen, Mervin Clare
McFayden, Donald Alex.
McFie, J.
McGarrell, F.M.
McGarry, F.W.
McGee, Lawrence Edw.
McGivney, Raymond George
McGlade, J.M.
McGouey, J.P.
McGrath, Samuel James
McGregor, Arthur Robert
McGregor, James
McGregor, Malcolm Wm.
McIlwain, Donald M.
McIntee, Frederick Paul
McIntosh, John Archibald
McIntyre, Bruce
McIntyre, Donald Leslie
McIver, Bruce Gordon, D.F.C.
McIver, F.L.
McKay, Harry
McKay, Robt. J.
McKeen, Edward
McKellar, Donald A.
McKenzie, G.W.
McKeon, Wm. Allan
McKillop, Donald Neil
McKim, W.R.
McKinnon, S.A.
McLaren, J.C.
McLaren, John C.
McLaren, Nelson
McLaughlin, Thos. Chas.
McLea, John A.
McLeish, John Alex
McLena, Gordon Gillean
McLeod, Donald
McLeod, Ernest
McLeod, I.S.
McLeod, Norman
McMillan, R.S.
McMillan, Robert
McNamara, James
McParland, O.
McPhail, A.B.
McPherson, Ronald Dennis
McQueen, Donald Gord.
McQueen, Francis E.
McQueen, William Melvin, D.F.C.
McRae, William Gordon
McWade, John Robt.
Meehan, Robt. Paul
Meeks, Mike
Megson, Robert H.
Meilleur, G.
Meiners, Albert W.
Melrose, James Adam W.
Merpaw, William Leo
Merrick, George
Meyrick, William Charles
Michael, Evans Gerow
Michalski, B.
Middleton, Wm. Thos.
Millar, Robert William
Miller, Harry L.
Miller, Robert W.
Miller, Roy Clifford
Mills, Clive
Mills, W.A.
Miln, Robert Lyon
Minett, Harry
Mino, Harold
Misner, E.N.
Mitchell, Joseph
Mitchell, Rex Harris
Moe, R.M.
Moffat, William Howard
Moffitt, Eber Leslie
Mohrman, Basil F.
Molnar, Gregory
Monaco, Ernest Guiseppe
Montgomery, D.
Montgomery, George Franklin
Montgomery, Ralph Jos.
Moore, Stanley L.
Moran, Thos. Earl
Morgan, Bernard John
Morgan, James D.
Morgan, Lionel A.
Morgan, Ormand K.
Morgan, Patrick Bryan Joseph
Morgan, W.T.
Moriarity, Edw. Thomas
Morin, Jos. W.H.
Morrey, J.
Morris, Frederick Wm.
Morris, Kenneth Allen
Morris, W.L.
Morrison, R.L.
Morton, William Cuthbert
Mosley, Jim Wallace
Mowry, D.F
Moxley, James
Moyes, Lorne T.
Muise, Joseph Arthur
Mulholland, James
Mumford, Leonard K.
Munro, William George
Munroe, James Henry
Munson, David Olaf
Murphy, David
Murphy, J.F.
Murphy, R.J.
Murray, D.F.
Murray, D.M.
Murray, S.E.
Murray, Wm. Arnold
Mutch, Rod. C.
Myers, Henry Patrick