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Roll of Honour - World War II

A (45) B (158) C (118) D (83) E (26) F (60) G (91) H (136) I (5) J (40) K (55) L (77) M (236) N (17) O (32) P (79) Q (3) R (71) S (134) T (62) V (19) W (97) Y (14) Z (7)

Farkas, Ernest
Farnham, Roy Ernest
Farr, Harry Prior
Farrall, David Thomas
Farrand, Wm. A.
Farrell, John P.
Featherstone, Ralph Emerson
Feaver, Lorne
Feldman, Jos.
Felterly, E.G.
Fenton, Lloyd David
Fenton, Roy Cook
Ferguson, F.F.
Ferguson, Gerald
Ferguson, Robert James
Ferguson, W.J.
Fielding, L.G.
Firth, Murray Norman
Fisher, Cecil
Fisher, Wm. J.K.
Fitzpatrick, Cecil John
Flaherty, H.J. D'A.
Flanagan, Joseph P.
Flannery, J.S.
Fleming, Ernest Clayton
Fleming, Malcolm Henry
Fletcher, F.
Fletcher, Harold
Fletcher, Robert Cecil
Flint, George Raymond
Flock, Norman Wm.
Forbes, John
Forbes, Wesley S.
Forfar, John David A.
Forgett, Roy
Foris, Louis Chas.
Forsachuk, Nick
Forster, Wm. Frederick
Forsythe, John Byron
Fortuna, Bruce Gerald
Foster, Clarence W.
Foster, Ray
Foster, Samuel W.
Fox, Henry Marshall
Fox, Morgan David
Frank, Ralph
Franklin, Norman
Fraser, A.G.
Fraser, Lloyd H.
Freeborn, John F.
Freeman, Harold M.
French, Arthur Vernon
French, Cecil Harold
Freure, J.R.
Freve, Ernest
Fritch, Howard Gordon
Fritsch, John S.
Funger, Harry
Funston, W.D.D.
Furry, Leonard Keith