There is nothing to display at this time
Bookmobile Modified Service
On Tuesday, April 1, the Gemini Bookmobile visit (20 Gemini Drive) will arrive earlier, 12-12:30 pm (instead of 1-1:30 pm). Regular service is expected to return the following week.
Affected Branch:
Publish Date:
Friday, March 28, 2025 - 12:15pm
Around the Bay Race - Road Closures and Detours
The 2025 Around the Bay Race is on this Sunday, March 30. Road closures and HSR detours will be in place. Give yourself extra time to get around downtown and if you're heading to Central Library.
Publish Date:
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 8:00am
Turner Park - Roof Repairs
From March 26 until June 30, the Turner Park Branch will undergo a roof repair. There may be parking lot and noise disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Affected Branch:
Publish Date:
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 11:00am
Roll of Honour - World War II
Hacking, D.B.
Haddow, Alex B.
Hagerman, Arnold
Haggerty, Alexander
Haggerty, James A.
Halcrow, J.G.
Hall, George Vernon
Hall, James Henry
Hall, Joseph Paul
Halliday, George
Halliday, Robt. H.
Halstead, Warren
Hamann, Chas. Wm.
Hamilton, Alfred
Hamilton, George D.
Hamilton, Harry Robt.
Hamilton, James E.
Hamilton, T.B.
Hamilton, W.J.
Hamula, M.V.
Hancock, Allan C.
Hankinson, Leonard
Hannigan, Marvin Jos.
Hansen, Aksel
Hanson, H.S.
Hanson, Peter Chas.
Harden, W.R.
Haroly, D.R.
Harris, Albert Leslie
Harris, Lloyd A.
Harris, Samuel H.
Harrison, Clark
Harrison, Eric
Harrison, Geo. Albert
Harrison, Orval Thomas
Harrison, Reginald Ratchford
Harrop, D.E.
Harte, Samuel Daniel
Hartley, T.E.
Hartnett, Thos. Jos.
Harvey, Ronald E.
Hastings, Adam
Hatcher, J.A.
Hawke, C.W.
Hawkins, R.J.
Hawthorne, R.T.
Hay, George
Haycock, Kenneth A.G.
Hayhurst, Thomas E., E.D.
Hayman, C.M.
Hayward, Thomas
Hazell, Raymond H.
Hazlett, S.A.
Heard, Robt. Dalton
Hearn, J.H.
Hearnden, S.B.
Hedley, Wm. James
Hedman, Ira Harry
Heifetz, Leizer
Henderson, Alfred James
Henderson, Murray H.
Henley, Ernest
Henry, Irwin Norman
Henry, Norman Walter
Henry, Robt. G.
Hepburn, Peter Brodie
Herman, T.
Herod, Richd. C.
Herrington, Oliver Alexander
Hewson, Sydney Dalton
Hickey, Chas. Wm.
Hickmore, Arthur James
Hildreth, Chas. Clifford
Hill, Kenneth
Hill, Leonard Geo.
Hill, Walter
Hill, William
Hillier, Robert
Hilts, J.D.
Hindle, Percy Samuel
Hineman, G.S.
Hinton, H.F.
Hitchins, F.J.
Hnatiw, Steve
Hoath, David Elgin
Hobbs, Wilbert Charles John
Hodgson, Wilfred
Hodichack, John Carl
Hodson, Arthur E.
Holder, G.R.
Holditch, Walter Lloyd
Holenchuk, William
Holland, James Frederick
Hollingsworth, William West
Holmes, Frank
Holmes, John B.
Holyer, Jabez Griffiths
Honsberger, Verdun
Hooks, James
Hooper, Raymond Earl
Hopkins, Harold
Hopkins, Samuel
Hopkinson, George Gordon
Horn, Albert
Horne, Robert Ernest
Horsley, Lyle William
Houck, A.J.
House, Brooks Earl
House, Charles Edward Wm. Joseph
Howarth, Leonard
Howell, V.
Howick, Frank Ernest
Hubley, C.P.
Hubley, H.
Huffman, Victor
Hughes, Alfred J.
Hughes, David Anderson
Hughes, Harold Branscombe
Hughes, Patrick
Hughes, Robt. Alexander
Hughes, Walter H.
Hughson, E.G.
Hume, R.F.
Humphrey, C.L.
Humphrey, Gordon F.
Hunt, Albert
Hunter, D.R.
Hunter, Robt. Gordon
Hurd, W.T.
Hurst, Carman J.C.
Hurst, James Roy
Huskins, R.J.
Hutchings, Lloyd Warren
Hutchings, Monty F.
Hyde, D.R.
Hysert, Francis O.