There is nothing to display at this time

Roll of Honour - World War II

A (45) B (158) C (118) D (83) E (26) F (60) G (91) H (136) I (5) J (40) K (55) L (77) M (236) N (17) O (32) P (79) Q (3) R (71) S (134) T (62) V (19) W (97) Y (14) Z (7)

Yackles, J.R
Yalowega, John
Yarich, Jack Dragan
Yates, Tom
Yeo, George
York, Mervin Henry
Yorkston, Alexander
Young, Albert Edwd.
Young, Chas. F.
Young, James Allan
Young, John Douglas
Young, John M.
Young, Kenneth William
Young, Thos. Wm.