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Roll of Honour - World War II

A (45) B (158) C (118) D (83) E (26) F (60) G (91) H (136) I (5) J (40) K (55) L (77) M (236) N (17) O (32) P (79) Q (3) R (71) S (134) T (62) V (19) W (97) Y (14) Z (7)

Kalin, K. Kane, J.C.
Kapron, J.
Karas, R.C.
Karns, Robt. John
Kastner, Joseph John Michael
Kasurak, Walter
Kaviza, Jos. F.
Kawucha, Joseph F.
Keane, Edw. Francis
Kearse, Percy Harold
Keenan, James Philip
Keith, William Churchman
Kellar, Clarence M.
Kellar, David G.
Kelly, G.F.
Kelly, J.C.
Kelter, Royal Edwd.
Kemp, Russell Wm.
Kennedy, Bernard
Kennedy, George Alexander
Kennedy, Wilfred J.
Kennedy, William
Kenney, H.A.
Kenyon, Sydney Chas., M.C.
Keon, A.L.
Ker, Fred. Southam
Kerelchuk, Andrew
Kersell, James H.G.
Kerslake, George
Kezer, Robert Kenneth
Kincaid, Lorne Henry
Kindree, Ross Vernon
King, E.K. King, John
King, Kerrigan Milne
King, Maxwell J.
Kipling, G.M.
Kissinger, A.
Kitchen, Cyril Frederick
Kitchen, Gordon Henry Earl
Knaggs, Francis
Knight, D.T.
Knight, Earl W.
Knight, R.D.
Kobylas, Stanley Joseph
Komer, Walter
Koropchuk, George
Koropchuk, John Joseph
Kostey, J.
Kotterman, Geo.
Kovacs. Alex. John
Kozlof, Alexander
Kucbel, Anthony K
Kunzleman, W.J.L.
Kurek, Stanley
Kurtz, Dennis Haig